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International Biodiversity Congress

Celebrating Biodiversity with Navdanya 4 – 6 October 2018, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarkhand, India 4th October 2018 – Press Release A biodiverse organic Himalaya is possible and that is the vision Navdanya is working towards while joining forces...

Sulle orme di Vincenzo

  Il Comune di Martis intitola il Centro Polivalente di Vincenzo Migaleddu, in ricordo del Suo impegno legato ai di Temi della Difesa dell’Ambiente e della Salute per un’economia circolare rispettosa della Biodiversità e dell’identità della Sardegna Programma dell’Incontro...

Climate Resilience

Climate change is one of the most pressing and damaging issues of our times and is expected to have increasingly disastrous effects on human populations and biodiversity, contributing to the global extinction of species and potentially, our society. We...

Fibres of Freedom

Farmers in the Vidarbha region of central India are trapped in a vicious cycle of debt caused by increased use of monoculture farming practices, a dependence on costly non-renewable seed supplies by monopolies, and increasing chemical inputs. This situation...