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What is Agroecology? Agroecology is holistic study of agro-ecosystems, including all environmental and human elements that focuses on the form, dynamics and functions of their inter- and intra-relationships. It can also be defined as an ecological approach to agriculture...

Sulle orme di Vincenzo

  Il Comune di Martis intitola il Centro Polivalente di Vincenzo Migaleddu, in ricordo del Suo impegno legato ai di Temi della Difesa dell’Ambiente e della Salute per un’economia circolare rispettosa della Biodiversità e dell’identità della Sardegna Programma dell’Incontro...

Navdanya Community Seed Banks

Over the last 30 years, Navdanya has been conserving biodiversity through a network of seed keepers and organic producers spread across 22 states in India and Bhutan. It has helped set up more than 124 community centered, decentralized indigenous...