So many gems of #wisdom from @drvandanashiva‘s talk at today’s #festivalofwellbeing “We come from the soil and we go back to the soil. If you take care of the soil, it will take care of you.” #Care for the #climate; care for the #Earth; care for the people. #COP26 @NavdanyaBija pic.twitter.com/wmuCBlMX5z
— Resurgence Trust 🌎 (@Resurgence_mag) October 30, 2021
Care for the climate; care for the Earth; care for the people
This all-day event will take place online via Zoom.
Following the success of last year’s online Festival of Wellbeing, we are delighted to offer a sneak preview of this year’s event, which will celebrate wellbeing from many angles.
View full timetable here
Tickets cost £20 per person or £10 for concessions.