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Earth Day Communiqué

  On Earth Day, April 22nd, Navdanya International, Naturaleza de Derechos, Health of Mother Earth Foundation – HOMEF, with over 600 organisations from 50 countries, networks and individuals from all over the world, launched a Planetary Communique and a...

Press release: Earth Day

Press release: Earth Day Communique 21st April 2020 The health emergency we face as a global community is strictly connected to the health emergency the Earth is facing: it’s steady degradation, the extinction and disappearance of species and the...

The Seed War

By Manlio Masucci (text and photos) – Navdanya International, 17 March 2020 From India to the rest of the world, corporations are trying to extend control over the first link of our food chain. Navdanya seed banks were created...

Which future of food do we want?

By Navdanya International – Comune-info, 24 November 2019 | Source Navdanya International‘s annual report outlines the attacks of agro-business lobbies and the negative consequences that investments by large agro-industrial companies have on land, soil, biodiversity, human health and small...