Home > Calendar – Upcoming Actions > Local Food Economies, Online meeting > Prout Sisters Retreat 2021 – Ecological Food Systems & Local Economies as bottom-up solutions to the multiple crises we face
18 Luglio, 2021
6:40 pm
Online, Online

This event will focus on the important topic of food and water security. The planet is at a global tipping point with climate change impacting resources, an economy teetering on the brink of collapse, industrial agriculture decimating the health of our soil, bio-diversity and eco-system losses (including our precious pollinators, the bees): What are some of the issues we are facing and what are our solutions? All of this will be presented from the perspective of women with a unique lens on the role that we can play in solving these problems. Come to this important seminar, presented by international speakers with expertise in these areas, to find out.

In addition to the topics mentioned, we will also provide space for yoga classes, kiirtan (mantra music), meditation, a chance to network with diverse women from all over the world, and a chance to collectively evolve the outcomes.

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