Soil not Oil
– Course of Navdanya All sessions start at 5.30pm IST for one hour and half For more information and registration email earthuniversity@navdanya.net ; +91 (0) 135-2693025 Bija Vidyapeeth – Earth University
– Course of Navdanya All sessions start at 5.30pm IST for one hour and half For more information and registration email earthuniversity@navdanya.net ; +91 (0) 135-2693025 Bija Vidyapeeth – Earth University
Sábado 13 de noviembre 11.00 a 12. 30 horas Argentina Invitadxs INVITADA DE HONOR: Vandana Shiva Modera: Entrevistadores Guillermo Folguera Karina Bidaseca Damián Verzeñassi Alumnxs de la Diplomatura sobre Ecofeminismo Irma Caupan Organizan Carrera de Ciencia Política de UBA...
#TimesNowSummit | 'Is India Headed For A Climate Catastrophe?'@drvandanashiva (Environmentalist) and @deespeak (UN Goodwill Ambassador for Climate) share their perspectives with Padmaja Joshi at #TimesNowSummit2021 Discussion #LIVE on TIMES NOW. Tune in.#TNSummit2021 pic.twitter.com/BflNMT343m — TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) November 11,...
This event, organised in the framework of the COP26 Coalition’s Global Days of Action for Climate Justice, brings together farmers, environmental advocates, and international experts who are advancing natural, regenerative solutions to address the double crisis of climate change...
Save the Date Friday 29 October – 9am EDT, 3pm CEST, 6.30pm IST, 11pm AEST Hosted by Navdanya International, “Regeneration for Climate Resilience”, brings together Dr Vandana Shiva – Founder of Navdanya Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology...
The transition from the twentieth to the twenty-first century has seen a shift in the terms of the energy debate. Previously, priority was given to security and cost of supply, with environmental issues being comparatively secondary. Now, under the...
On the 23rd of June, 3 – 6 pm CEST, join us for a webinar organized by Navdanya International as part of the European project #ClimAlt, co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme. ClimAlt is an online course engaging...
The conference will address the interwoven threads of soil health, nutrition, and community health. About this event Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice Presents : Nourishing Life Conference, held virtually on June 18-19th. Free to attend. Register Description: We face...
– Once relegated to the fringe of the climate debate, plans to use solar geoengineering to mask rising temperatures are receiving increasing attention from some scientists, governments, and the media. Catchy headlines about silver bullet fixes often downplay the...
The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence – Climate Justice and the international research team “Climate Change, Territories, Diversity“of the University of Padua are pleased to invite you to the first international seminar entirely dedicated to the themes of Climate...