This event, organised in the framework of the COP26 Coalition’s Global Days of Action for Climate Justice, brings together farmers, environmental advocates, and international experts who are advancing natural, regenerative solutions to address the double crisis of climate change and the global pandemic. The speakers will present projects and case studies to highlight opportunities to accelerate recovery and transformation of food systems around the world.
Contributors: Andre Leu, International Director, Regeneration International (Australia/Global)Vandana Shiva, Founder, Navdanya (India)Hans Herren, Founder, Biovision (Switzerland) Daniela Howell, CEO and Co-Founder, Savory Institute (US/Global)Ercilia Sahores, Regional Director for Latin America, Via Organica/Regeneration International (Mexico) Barbara Hachipuka Banda, President, Natural Agriculture Programme Zambia (Zambia)Moderator: Dr. Zhou Zejiang, President, IFOAM Asia (China).