International Meeting of Experts on Food For Health
"The health of the planet and the health of the people are one" - Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
"The health of the planet and the health of the people are one" - Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
From 12-14 of April 2018, Navdanya, together with multiple civil society organizations, farmers, seed keepers and around 6,000 visitors, joined the 2nd Olympic Seed Freedom Festival, organized with Peliti in the area of Paranesti (Drama), in Northern Greece. Link...
The 2nd International Symposium on Agroecology, took place in Rome at FAO Headquarters from 3 – 5 April 2018. Navdanya International joined over 350 civil society organizations attending the Symposium, along with more than 700 participants and representatives of...
On March 18, Navdanya International took part in a Seed-Freedom Day at the Farmer’s Market, a concrete and positive example of creation of local and ecological agricultural and food networks.
Corporate strategies aimed at appropriating common goods were the subject of a series of conferences and debates with Dr. Vandana Shiva, held in Florence at the end of January 2018 and organized by Navdanya International in collaboration with local...
In October 2017, commemorating World Food Day, Navdanya and JAGA Indonesia organized an agroecology mobilization tour in collaboration with local partners in continuation to the mobilization kicked off in 2014 with Dr. Vandana Shiva’s visit to Indonesia and subsequently...
In lead to the G7 to be held in Begamo, Vandana Shiva was invited by BioDistretto Agricoltura Sociale Bergamo, Coldiretti Bergamo and Confagricoltura Bergamo with the support of Bergamo Munciipality and Province. “Il cibo dev’essere democratico” Di Marta...
On 1st October 2017, Navdanya launched the international campaign for Poison Free Food and Farming at Bhoomi Festival 2017 “Listening to the Mountains” in New Delhi, which was organised in collaboration with India International Centre. Communities in the Alps...
Press Release Santa Rosa, California, 5 September 2017: On the occasion of the 2017 National Heirloom Exposition in Santa Rosa, California, Dr Vandana Shiva, keynote speaker at the event, presented the latest report of Navdanya “The Toxic Story of...
Ruchi Shroff, of Navdanya International, held a workshop on “False Solutions to Climate Change” at the International camp on climate change, which took place in Rome on 11 July 2017. The camp was organized within the framework of the...