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Declaration: Seeding the Future of the Earth and Humanity

DECLARATION  Seeding the Future of the Earth and Humanity  Vasundhara Festival, Navdanya Biodiversity Farm, DehraDun, India  16 October 2024 PREAMBLE Food and agricultural systems have been spoiled by mechanistic science and voracious corporations; in fact, ecological degradation, infectious and non-communicable diseases, and the collapse of peasantry is under everybody’s eyes. Technologies first based on chemistry, […]

Making Peace with the Earth – Through Diversity, Mutuality, Non-Violence & Care – An Ecofeminist Manifesto

We, Diverse Women for Diversity, diverse in culture, race, religion, socio-economic conditions, have one common goal: biological and cultural diversity as the foundation of life on Earth. We stand for self-sufficiency, self-reliance and solidarity, locally and globally. Diverse women from all walks of life are creating a new solidarity, showing that women-led cultures have long […]

Earth Day Communiqué

  On Earth Day, April 22nd, Navdanya International, Naturaleza de Derechos, Health of Mother Earth Foundation – HOMEF, with over 500 organisations from 50 countries, networks and individuals from all over the world, launched a Planetary Communique and a call for urgent action where the health and wellbeing of all peoples and the planet are […]

Pledge for Poison Free Food and Farming 2030

Pledge to Avert the Sixth Mass Extinction and Climate Catastrophe through Poison Free, Fossil Fuel Free, Organic Communities – The signs are loud and clear. From the Earth. From diverse species. From insects. From science. From women. From children. From indigenous communities. From the increase of disease in our daily lives. Life on this planet, […]

Road map: the route towards transformation

The transition towards local, ecological and diverse food systems is a social, economic and democratic imperative  Civic actions Save grow and reproduce traditional seed varieties to safeguard biodiversity. They need to be saved not as museum pieces in germplasm banks, but in living Seed Banks as a basis of a health care system Grow Gardens […]

Leh Declaration – Earth Journey to Ladakh

“Today, 6th August 2018, Ladakh Autonomous Hill Council joins hands with the government of Sikkim, Navdanya and LEHO in Mission Organic Himalaya 2030“ Leh Declaration, 6th August 2018 “While the Himalaya and Ladakh shape the climate of Asia, climate change driven by fossil fuel use over 200 years of industrialization is now changing the climate […]