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DOWNLOAD PDF To celebrate World Biodiversity Day, Navdanya International presents Biodiversity is Life. We break down how all levels of biodiversity have a direct and tangible tie to human health. Especially as an intimate connection exists between the biodiversity of our diets and gut, and our surrounding ecosystems, making health a continuum. Biodiversity is, hence, […]

Poison-free Communities – Bans, Restrictions and Resistance against Glyphosate and other Pesticides

Main sources: Where is Glyphosate Banned? | Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman Which Countries and US States are Banning Roundup?– The Carlson Law Firm Glyphosate Herbicides Now Banned or Restricted in 21 Countries Worldwide – Sustainable Pulse Research AFRICA MALAWI In April 2019, Malawi’s Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development […]

Short Fact Sheet on Bees and Pollinators

There are over 20,000 species of bee of which the domestic honey bee is just one. They are all pollinators and are responsible for the majority of crop pollination. [1] Most pollinators are wild but a few species of bees can be managed, such as honeybees (Apis mellifera, Apis cerana), some bumblebees and a few […]

Food for Health Fact-Sheet

Food for Health Manifesto: a few data – Environmental contaminants and pesticides More than 80,000 new chemicals and 20 million by-products have been on the market since World War II. Since 1945, global pesticide production has increased about 26 times: from 0.1 to 2.7 million tonnes. http://www.questia.com/magazine/1G1-90161456/popsculture In Italy, pesticide residues were found in 67% […]

9 FAQ about pesticides

1 What is glyphosate and why should I be concerned? Glyphosate is the active principle of the main herbicides used in agriculture. Since 1974 in the U.S., over 1.6 billion kilograms of glyphosate active ingredient have been used or 19% of estimated global use of glyphosate (8.6 billion kilograms). Globally, glyphosate use has risen almost […]

The Poison Cartel – Fact Sheet

In just 100 years, the chemicals and technologies of war-based conglomerates, which produced and profited from the chemicals that killed millions of people during the two world wars, have continued their destruction, wiping out millions of species by spreading poisonous agrichemicals, destroying our fragile ecosystems, poisoning our soils and entire web of life, undermining every […]

Gmo Myths

Building on the propaganda about the benefits of chemical agriculture, the agrochemical/biotechnology industry has promoted in the last decades the false promise that its genetically engineered crops would feed the world, produce higher yields, resist climate change and reduce the use of pesticides. But none of these promises has been fulfilled: The vast majority of […]

The Monsanto Papers

The first batch of Monsanto Papers were published in early 2017. The dossier contained hundreds of internal emails of Monsanto, as well as its correspondence with US Federal Agencies, the content of which revealed the magnitude of collusion between Monsanto and the EPA in order to undermine the investigation of the potential hazard of Glyphosate […]


 Genetic engineering was introduced with several promises, such as fixing nitrogen, resisting drought, improving yield and ‘feeding the world’, which have contributed to build up a multibillion-dollar industry now controlled by a handful of corporate giants. So far, only two simple characteristics account for all the GM crops in the world. The majority of […]