The Commitment of the Sri Lankan Government to Go Organic
June 9th 2021, International webinar “The commitment of the Sri Lankan government to go organic!”. A brave, futuristic move that requires balancing science with tradition
June 9th 2021, International webinar “The commitment of the Sri Lankan government to go organic!”. A brave, futuristic move that requires balancing science with tradition
On June 13, 2021, Swiss citizens are called to vote for the outlawing of synthetic pesticides. A citizens’ initiative, turned referendum, supported and endorsed by Navdanya International on the path towards a true agrofood systems transition. In case the...
– – As part of the commemorations around the International Day of Biological Diversity, the Mexican Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), in coordination with the Universidad Veracruzana (UV), organized the webinar “Protect Our Biodiversity, Intellectual Heritage...
The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence – Climate Justice and the international research team “Climate Change, Territories, Diversity“of the University of Padua are pleased to invite you to the first international seminar entirely dedicated to the themes of Climate...
Webinar co-hosted by: STOP ECOCIDE INTERNATIONAL & RIPA Webinar: 26th May 4pm – 6pm CEST / 3pm – 5pm GMT Language: Italian (recording will be available with subtitles after the event) The event will also be livestreamed via the...
– 6 APRILE 2021 – ore 18-20:30 Filiere agricole dirette e sovranità alimentare: dalla piccola distribuzione organizzata alle politiche locali Gli oligopoli all’interno della filiera agroalimentare hanno prodotto e continuano a produrre gravi squilibri in termini sociali, politici e...
Browse: Techno Fixes will not Save our Planet – The Imposition of a Failed Agriculture Model Global Commission on Adaptation – Breakthrough Energy Ventures: The Revolving Door for “Super Emitters” The False Promise of Fake Food – Biodiversity and...
Browse: Techno Fixes will not Save our Planet – The Imposition of a Failed Agriculture Model Global Commission on Adaptation – Breakthrough Energy Ventures: The Revolving Door for “Super Emitters” The False Promise of Fake Food – Biodiversity and...
The “European Week for Alternatives to Pesticides” closes tomorrow and the “Save Bees and Farmers” ECI (European Citizens Initiative) national coordination sends an open letter to Italian policy makers to remind them of our country’s commitments to reduce pesticide...
This article is extracted from Navdanya International Global Citizens’ Report “Gates to a Global Empire“. The report gathers evidence and throws light on the dangers of philanthrocapitalism, which is boosting the corporate takeover of our seed, agriculture, food, knowledge...