Cultivating Biodiversity for the Life of the Earth
17 – 18 November, Città dell’Altra Economia, Rome
On 17 and 18 November, at Città dell’Altra Economia, the Cultural Association of Sardinians in Rome (ACRASE, Maria Lai) and Navdanya International, in collaboration with the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Sardigna Terra Bia, FASI (Federation of Sardinian Associations in Italy) and the Farmers’ Market of Castelli Romani, organized an event dedicated to the themes: Food and Health (in Sardinian: Mandigu pro sa salude) and protection of Biodiversity.
17 November from 4pm to 10pm – 18 November from 9am to 3pm
It is increasingly evident that the food we eat is an essential component of our health. The understanding of the connection between food and physical, mental, spiritual, economic and social well-being has deep and ancient roots. The quality, the richness of nutrients, the diversity of the food we eat are fundamental characteristics to guarantee the best functioning of our organism. They are the raw material from which our body uses to renew itself and derive energy.
Similarly, it is essential to recognize the close link between the quality of the food we eat and that of the environment and ecosystems in which it is produced, as well as the value chain through which it is processed and distributed.
The health of the Earth and that of all living organisms are one. Healthy food can only be obtained from healthy soils, water, seeds and ecosystems, whose integrity also depends on biodiversity, which must be preserved and increased, whether it be wild or the result of selection by farmers over the centuries. Only by restoring and preserving the diversity of crops and agro-ecosystems can we have a bio-diverse diet. Cultivating biodiversity is essential to ensure the health of the Earth and, consequently, ours.
We have chosen to dedicate two days to these issues to bring their importance to everyone’s the attention, inviting those who devote their energies and work to produce healthy food and to cultivate biodiversity to participate.
On this occasion, the italian edition of the “Manifesto “Food for Health: Cultivating biodiversity, cultivating health” will also be presented for the first time in Rome, edited by Navdanya International and published by Terra Nuova Edizioni, which involved experts from around the world to promote the convergence and action of movements for agroecology and public health. It is a programmatic document that aims not only to denounce the limits of the current food production system and the associated risks to human health, but also to act as a tool for mobilization to claim a transition to local, ecological and diversified food systems.
Find below the programme of the two days:
– 16.00 – inauguration of the event and opening with exhibition of stands and sale of products by organizations/associations/committees of producers and custodians of biodiversity from the regions of Sardinia and Lazio.
– Afterwards, a moment of confrontation and sharing of opinions and experiences between the different organizations/associations/committees coordinated by Massimo Tanca, vice-president of ACRASE.
– starting at 18.30, musical performances and refreshments:
– The Ortobene Choir of Nuoro
– Dr. Drer Crc Posse of Cagliari (bilingual rap).
– 9.30 a.m. reopening with exhibition of the stands.
– 10.00 a.m. beginning of the Conference with:
Introduction by Maria Vittoria Migaleddu, President of ACRASE
- Ruchi Shroff, Navdanya International – Presentation of the Food for Health Manifesto
- Patrizia Gentilini – No more poisons on the plate and inside us
- Guy D’Hallewin – Sustainable Food from the Marginal Areas of Sardinia
- Blanche Magarinos-Rey – EU Regulation on organic production and labelling: Seeds and Agrobiodiversity
- Maurizio Fadda – Our Food: food sovereignty in Sardinia
- Biodiversity associations and committees: problems and perspectives
– Followed by refreshments.
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