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Link to slideshow: http://bit.ly/1ngh7gs
Events and Actions — Articles
A new vision for Planetary Citizenship
By 2030, an urbanized expanse equal to the whole of South Africa will be added to the already urbanised land. Fertile land has been eroded at a rate between 10 and 40 times superior to its regenerative capacity. In the last 60 years, 40% percent of wars have been caused by climate, land and resources issues.
The war in Syria and Boko Haram terrorism have been spawned, among others, by climate change.
The current industrial agricultural model has been a failure. Completely intertwined as it is with the dominant economic model, which is based on extraction and never on reintegration, on economic systems that are life-destroying and cause the extinction of animal and vegetable species, it eventually leads to ecosystem collapse.
This model is for the benefit of the few, and is the cause of economic injustice, dangerous instability, desperate poverty, hunger and unemployment. For the first time in the history of humanity, the future of the human species is no longer certain: climate catastrophes, conflicts and war are pushing us to the brink ofecological, economic and social collapse.
However we can choose another path. A path based on global citizenship and the sharing of resources, a path which aims for a circular economy based on regeneration of resources. Agriculture plays a key role within this new vision. The new agriculture restores fertility to the land through organic regenerative farming practices. It ensures farmers receive fair pay thus enabling them to remain on their land, while continuing to provide food to cities and communities. It exchanges a linear process of exploitation of land and resources with a circular process based on reintegration and regeneration which in turn guarantees resilience, sustainability, justice and peace. This new agriculture is part of a process which aims to redefine the very concepts of democracy and freedom. It is capable of generating both a new economy and a new democracy; Earth Democracy.
Events and Actions
Film Nights for the Earth / Cineforum: Serate per la nostra Terra
Florence, Italy — January – June 2016
Lauch of Citizen’s pact on World Soil Day
PARIS, FRANCE – 5 December 2015
Pact for the Earth – Terra Viva, Earth Democracy
November – December 2015
18 November 2015
Why Soil matters?: A European perspective
Brussels, Belgium – Public Conference organised by The Greens / EFA
VIDEO – Vandana Shiva: “We are nothing without living soil”
Greens EFA – Published on 6 Oct 2015
23 October 2015
Terra Viva: il suolo, beni comuni e futuro / Terra Viva: our soil, our commons, our future
Florence, Italy
On World Food Day, Celebrating the Power of Regenerative Organic Farming
Washigton DC — Press conference hosted by the nonprofit organization Regeneration International and featuring a panel of 10 international experts on organic agriculture, carbon sequestration, and world hunger.
Common Dreams, 16 October 2015
16 October 2015
Which Future of Food and Farming
By Dr Vandana Shiva
16 October 2015
The Future of Food: From Degeneration to Regeneration
Washington DC, USA
2 – 5 October 2015
Touch the Earth – Soil Yatra — “A pilgrimage towards a nonviolent relationship with soil”
By Dr Vandana Shiva — The Asian Age, 8 October 2015
2 – 5 October 2015
Press Release –Touch the Earth – Soil Yatra: “A pilgrimage towards a nonviolent relationship with soil”
by Navdanya
2 October 2015
Gandhi’s Birth Anniversary, 2015
Gandhi-Howard Soil Pledge
Taken at Bapu Kutir, Sewagram Ashram, Vidarbha, Maharastra, India
On the occasion of the Soil Pilgrimage,
Year of Soil, 2015
2 – 5 October 2015
Touch the Earth: A soil Pilgrimage
Maharashtra – Madhya Pradesh, India
1st October 2015
Bhoomi Maati Maa: the Festival of The Living Soil
New Delhi, India
6 September 2015
SOS Save Our Seeds March & Rally
Santa Rosa CA, USAT
4 – 5 September 2015
Soil Not Oil International Conference
Richmond CA, USA
2 September 2015
Terra Viva – The Choice to make
27 July 2015
Stemming the Tide Together: Soil, Not Oil
By Dr Vandana Shiva and Nnimmo Bassey
July 2015
Seed Freedom and Soil not Oil in Nigeria
28 July 2015, Abbasanta, Italy
Sardigna Terra Bia – V° Workshop Nazionale e Internazionale ISDE Italia e Sardegna sulla Salute Globale con Vandana Shiva
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/-pEtV73XbZQ [Italian, English]
9-12 July 2015, Chieri, Italy
International Festival of the Commons / Festival Internazionale dei Beni Comuni
13 July 2015
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/rkEEvNC0eVQ [Italian]
Maria Grazia Mammuccini presents Terra Viva
26 – 27 June 2015
Celebrating Soil! Celebrating Life! Conference
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Press Release
2 May 2015
Presentation of “Terra Viva”, Civil Society’s Manifesto for a New Social, Economic Pact
and Agricultural Pact
Milan, Italy
Ordinary citizens across Europe are stepping in to help refugees where their governments have failed
By Cassie Werber – Quartz, 1 September 2015
Worldwide displacement hits all-time high as war and persecution increase
UNHCR, 18 June 2015
Over-grazing and desertification in the Syrian steppe are the root causes of war
By Gianluca Serra – The Ecologist, 5 June 2015