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Gates Ag One: The Recolonisation Of Agriculture

Download pdf In January 2020, the Gates foundation launched “The Bill & Melinda Gates Agricultural Innovations LLC”, also known as “Gates Ag One”. Gates Ag One was formulated to be a subsidiary of the Gates Foundation and is to be led by Joe Cornelius, the previous director of the BMGF Global Growth & Opportunity Division. […]

Paper on Springer Nature – Development: «The Biodiversity Paradigm: Building Resilience for Human and Environmental Health»

© Society for International Development 2020 Cite: Shroff, R., Cortés, C.R. The Biodiversity Paradigm: Building Resilience for Human and Environmental Health. Development (2020). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41301-020-00260-2 Abstract It is a well-established fact that biodiversity is pivotal to human and planetary health, completely entwining biodiverse natural systems into a continuum, through our food systems, into human health. This […]

Gates to a Global Empire

over Seed, Food, Health, Knowledge …and the Earth – The report gathers evidence and throws light on the dangers of philanthrocapitalism, which is boosting the corporate takeover of our seed, agriculture, food, knowledge and global health systems, manipulating information and eroding our democracies.  Over the last 30 years it has emerged as a major force, […]

Poison-free Communities – Bans, Restrictions and Resistance against Glyphosate and other Pesticides

Main sources: Where is Glyphosate Banned? | Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman Which Countries and US States are Banning Roundup?– The Carlson Law Firm Glyphosate Herbicides Now Banned or Restricted in 21 Countries Worldwide – Sustainable Pulse Research AFRICA MALAWI In April 2019, Malawi’s Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development […]

Abejas & Agrotóxicos

Presentamos un compendio de publicaciones sólidas, indexadas y de calidad garantizada, realizadas por juntas editoriales revisadas por pares, sobre las pruebas científicas de los daños causados por los agrotóxicos a los polinizadores en general y a las abejas melíferas en particular. La selección de estos artículos corresponde a un esfuerzo colectivo, que incluye reclamos de […]

Short Fact Sheet on Bees and Pollinators

There are over 20,000 species of bee of which the domestic honey bee is just one. They are all pollinators and are responsible for the majority of crop pollination. [1] Most pollinators are wild but a few species of bees can be managed, such as honeybees (Apis mellifera, Apis cerana), some bumblebees and a few […]

Antología Toxicológica del Glifosato +1000, 5ta Edición

En un trabajo que recopila más de mil artículos científicos que pueden consultarse libremente en internet, se concentra una evidencia poderosa: el glifosato tiene efectos graves sobre la salud humana y el ecosistema. Compilado por el técnico en inmunoterapia y epidemiología Eduardo Martín Rossi y el abogado Fernando Cabaleiro fue editado por la organización civil […]

Comunicado del Día de la Tierra

  En el Día de la Tierra, el 22 de abril, Navdanya International, Naturaleza de Derechos, Fundación Salud de la Madre Tierra – HOMEF, junto con 500 otras organizaciones y redes de 50 países, lanzaron un Comunicado Planetario y un llamaDO a la acción urgente en el que la salud y el bienestar de todos […]

Nurturing diversity in our guts and on our farms to reduce health risks and increase food system resilience

By Salvatore Ceccarelli – Extract from Navdanya International Report The Future of Food – Farming with Nature, Cultivating the Future – November 2019  Orginally published in: Bioversity International (2019) Agrobiodiversity Index Report 2019: risk and resilience. Rome (Italy): Bioversity International 182 p. ISBN: 978-92-9255-125-4: https://hdl.handle.net/10568/100820 – Reproduced with the author’s permission KEY MESSAGES: Crop diversity […]