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Plants, Planet & People – The Living Earth and Climate Change

Author: Dr Vandana Shiva Earth care and the regeneration of biodiversity and living soil is the most effective and revolutionary Climate Action in times of extinction. The solutions to Food Crisis, Biodiversity Erosion and the Climate emergency lie in making peace with the Earth , recognising that the Earth is living, her biodiversity and biosphere […]

The Story of Rice

As one of the most important and most widely produced staple crops in the world, the story of rice is deeply tied to place and time. Throughout Asia, has always had a deeper significance than just a basic food, it holds an important place in cultural ceremonies and rituals, is a connector and creator of […]

The Earth Care Handbook

Download pdf Based on: Earth Democracy: Connecting the Rights of Mother Earth to People’s Rights and the Well-being of All, Navdanya, Mother Earth Day, 2021 Author: Dr Vandana Shiva with Navdanya Team Earth Rising The denial of nature’s rights has led to destruction of nature and now threatens the very conditions of human survival. The […]

Bill Gates et Ses Fausses Solutions pour le Changement Climatique

Des technologiques miracles ne sauveront pas notre planète Dans son dernier livre « Climat : comment éviter un désastre. Les solutions actuelles. Les innovations nécessaires », Bill Gates, le co-fondateur de Microsoft, propose un plan pour stopper le réchauffement climatique en réduisant à zéro les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES). Ce qui […]