It takes a seed to make everything
The conference was held within the 1st Earth Festival in San Gimignano ‘Biodistretto’ Area, Teatro dei Leggieri, on 31st October 2015
The conference was held within the 1st Earth Festival in San Gimignano ‘Biodistretto’ Area, Teatro dei Leggieri, on 31st October 2015
Through imposing laws related to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & patents on seed which deny farmers and gardner the right to save and share seed, our diversity, freedoms and right to health are being criminalised. Higher laws that flow...
On 31st July 2015—we continued the Sarson Satyagraha that we had started in 1998. We gathered in Rajghat to take a pledge that we will protect our mustard. We invite every citizen who cares about their food, their health,...
Today, the freedom of nature and culture to evolve is under violent and direct threat.The threat to seed freedom impacts the very fabric of human life and the life of the planet.Seed keepers, farmers and citizens around the world...
Making Peace with the Earth: Message for Mother Earth Day We are at war with the Earth through Industrial Agriculture. Industrial Agriculture accounts for the largest share of destruction of biodiversity, soil, water, and climate stability, through the use...
Women have been the primary growers of food and nutrition throughout history, but today, food is being taken out of our hands and substituted for toxic commodities controlled by global corporations. Monoculture industrial farming has taken the quality, taste...
An Open letter to Prime Minister Modi and President Obama from democratic, concerned citizens of India and the US – We, as concerned and democratic citizens of India, and the US, welcome the coming together of two of the...
“As 2015 has been declared the Year of Soils, let us recognize that in the seed and the soil we can find answers to every one of the crisis we are facing.” Vandana Shiva Subtitles available – click...
Michael Specter’s story in The New Yorker about Dr. Vandana Shiva’s work to protect public health from the effects of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) skewed the facts and fell short of the magazine’s usually high standards for fairness. Michael...