The Future of Farming
Join us Wednesday, October 21st at 11:30am EST for “The Future of Farming” LIVE virtual panel to celebrate the release of PERCY.
Join us Wednesday, October 21st at 11:30am EST for “The Future of Farming” LIVE virtual panel to celebrate the release of PERCY.
In this interview, social justice and anti-GMO advocate Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., discusses her book, «Oneness Vs. the 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom,» which she co-wrote with her son, in which she argues that the ultra-wealthy elite are responsible for...
Celebrando o dia mundial da alimentação (16/10), a Campanha Permanente Contra os Agrotóxicos e Pela Vida, em conjunto com outras organizações brasileiras e internacionais, convida para o encontro virtual com Vandana Shiva: *Soberania Alimentar: resistência e organização de camponeses,...
“Gates to a Global Empire” Report Launch and Online Conference
Rachel Parent is hosting a Facebook Live on the Non-GMO Project’s page at 10am PST. She will be joined by Claire Robinson, Dr. Michael Antoniou, Jim Thomas, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Jonathan Latham, Ph.D., and Megan Westgate. These incredible panelists...
Each of us, whether we are farmers or eaters, faces a choice between two food systems. One is an industrial system based on globalised cooperate control, chemicals and poisons, GMO and patent monopolies & fossil fuels which is contributing...
Il corso sarà disponibile anche in modalità di partecipazione streaming on line. Per coloro che parteciperanno presso la Certosa saranno adottate tutte le misure igieniche e di distanziamento per assicurare le massime condizioni di sicurezza. Il numero dei partecipanti...
Nicoletta Dentico e Vandana Shiva Saranno i ricchi a salvare il pianeta? Si chiede polemicamente Nicoletta Dentico nel libro presentato in questo incontro, mettendo in discussione un aspetto spesso sottovalutato dall’opinione pubblica, disorientata dalle grandi elargizioni benefiche dei nuovi...
Women with knowledge in action caring for the planet Vandana Shiva has a natural engaging tone, and for our Girls it was clear from the beginning of this call how involving it would be. Girl MOVERS Jéssica Matavele, Inora...
Dr Vandana Shiva’s keynote speech Live streaming @ The 6TH Soil Not Oil Online Conference is co-organized by Navdanya International and the Soil Not Oil Coalition and this year, will emphasize the deadline to stop the 6th Mass...