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The Poison Cartel – Fact Sheet

In just 100 years, the chemicals and technologies of war-based conglomerates, which produced and profited from the chemicals that killed millions of people during the two world wars, have continued their destruction, wiping out millions of species by spreading poisonous agrichemicals, destroying our fragile ecosystems, poisoning our soils and entire web of life, undermining every […]

The Monsanto Papers

The first batch of Monsanto Papers were published in early 2017. The dossier contained hundreds of internal emails of Monsanto, as well as its correspondence with US Federal Agencies, the content of which revealed the magnitude of collusion between Monsanto and the EPA in order to undermine the investigation of the potential hazard of Glyphosate […]

Sardinia Terra Via, Sardigna Terra Bia

Open letter to the Sardinian society The letter shows that «Sardinians strongly request a change, being aware of the opportunity of life in a land still rich in biodiversity, despite the suffered damage and which can still get rid of big financial and economic powers. It can become a garden where the man and the […]