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Food for Health Manifesto

The Food for Health Manifesto aims to give voice, hope and future to all those who wish to commit themselves to act and consume in keeping with a new sustainable food for health paradigm. Additionally, this Manifesto is intended to be used as a tool to help mobilize the urgent  transition to local, ecological and diversified […]

The Future of our Daily Bread: Regeneration or Collapse

Our Food Systems are collapsing ecologically, socially and financially: an agroecological alternative  has become a survival imperative. Download Pdf Navdanya presents new evidence on the imminent collapse of our food systems – ecologically, socially and financially, if we continue on the path of industrial agriculture, based on chemicals, monocultures and corporate control of food and […]

Indonesia: an Agroecology Mobilization

Indonesia is a country with complex dynamics, rich in diversity, both in biological and sociocultural terms, which is paying the price of the myopic subjugation to the dogmas of productivity, without realizing the damage caused by it to the environment and its inhabitants. Indonesia’s civil society, however, is beginning to realize the dangers on the […]

Annam: Food as Health

The book creates awareness on healthy eating so that disease & hunger burdened in the Indian people is removed an India emerges as a strong nation based on Biodiversity organic farming a healthy people. The contributors of the book, all eminent expert from their field will be creating a think tank on the linkages between […]

Seeds of Hope, Seeds of Resilience

Seeds of Hope, Seeds of Resilience – How Biodiversity and Agroecology offer Solutions to Climate Change by Growing Living Carbon The last two centuries of dependence on fossil fuels has created multiple distortions in our view of the world, of our production and consumption systems, of our ideas of efficiency and productivity, of our ideas […]

SEED SATYAGRAHA (Civil Disobedience to end Seed Slavery)

Through imposing laws related to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & patents on seed which deny farmers and gardner the right to save and share seed, our diversity, freedoms and right to health are being criminalised. Higher laws that flow from the laws of the Earth, reaffirmed by the laws of our humanity, compel us to […]