Gardens of Hope: Women, Ecology and the Future of Humanity with Vandana Shiva, Azra Sayeed and Khushi Kabir is live now
Posted by Sangat on Wednesday, October 28, 2020
OBR South Asia, Sangat, Peace Women Across the Globe, International Women’s Network against Militarism, Diverse Women for Diversity and Navdanya present Gardens of Hope: Women, Ecology and the Future of Humanity, a webinar with Vandana Shiva to discuss one of the biggest crisis facing us today- the destruction of our ecologies. The session will explore alternatives to existing paradigms and imagine a better future for humanity. The zoom webinar will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:30 PM (Indian Standard Time).
Vandana Shiva is an environmental activist and feminist. She started out as a physicist with a PhD in quantum physics and later moved to work on the intersection of science, technology and environmental policy. In 1991 she founded Navadanya, a national movement to protect the diversity and integrity of living resources, especially native seed, the promotion of organic farming and fair trade. In 2004, she started Bija Vidyapeeth, an international college for sustainable living in Doon Valley. She has received wide global acclaim for her work including the title of environmental «hero» by TIME magazine in 2003.
Sangat Core Group members, Azra Sayeed and Khushi Kabir will join the session as discussants. Azra Sayeed runs Roots for Equity, a Karachi based organisation working with small and landless peasants. She has worked widely on the intersection of agroecology and feminism and is also associated with other networks like APWLD. Khushi Kabir, feminist activist and environmentalist, is the coordinator of Nijera Kori in Bangaldesh and the coordinator of One Billion Rising in Bangladesh. She is also the chairperson of Association of Land Reform and Development as well as Panos, South Asia and is involved with other networks.
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The session will also be live on Sangat Facebook page