What is Missing from the Climate Debate
„The destabilisation of the Earth’s climate systems is the consequence of violating the ecological processes and cycles of the earth, violating the Rights of the Earth, Rights of Indigenous People, and the Rights of Future Generations. Fossil fuels have driven how we grow our food and produce our clothing over the past century. Energy slaves […]

PDF herunterladen „Biodiversität ist Leben. Biodiversität webt das Netz des Lebens. Sie ist kein ‚geistiges Eigentum‘ der Unternehmen. Sie ist kein finanzielles Kapital derjenigen deren Gier den Verlust der Biodiversität vorantreibt.“ – Dr. Vandana Shiva BIODIVERSITÄT IST EIN KONTINUUM Es gibt eine enge Verbindung zwischen allen Ebenen der Biodiversität und der Gesundheit aller Lebewesen auf […]

The Failure of GMO Bt cotton and the continued success of Native Indigenous Cotton in India
The Failure of GMO Bt cotton and the continued success of Native Indigenous Cotton in India A Briefing Paper of RFSTE* based on a 35-year study in Vidarbha’s Cotton Suicide belt – Download Pdf India is a paradise of rich diversity in ecosystems, food, cultures etc., and particularly has been a hub of indigenous agricultural […]

Manifest zu Ökonomien der Fürsorge und Erddemokratie
Pressenza Deutsch, 14. Juli 2022 | Quelle Von Dr. Vandana Shiva Fürsorge und gegenseitige Unterstützung sind die Währungen des Lebens, sowohl in der Natur als auch in der Gesellschaft, die als Ganzes miteinander interagieren und intrinsische Werte und angeborene Rechte teilen. Die Erde, Gaia, Terra Madre ist ein lebendiger Planet, dessen reiche Artenvielfalt sich über […]

Sowing Hunger, Reaping Profits – A Food Crisis by Design
Download Pdf Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, headlines have been dominated by the warnings of risk in global food supply shortages and rising global food prices, all due to the conflict. But, according to many international groups, there is currently no risk of global food supply shortages. So why are so many countries now […]

The Corporate Push for Synthetic Foods: False solutions that endanger our health and damage the planet
Artificial Food is Detrimental to Ecological Transition Foreword by Dr Vandana Shiva The Corporate Push for Synthetic Foods – An Impossible Menu: Fake Food is taking over our tables – Download pdf Artificial food is detrimental to ecological transition How can we heal our relationship with food in the age of artificial food? In response […]

Climate Change is Ecological Destruction: Greenwashing and false solutions at COP 26
Deforestation – Effects on Biodiversity – The Impact of Chemicals – The COP 26 – The False Promise of ‘Nature-based Solutions’ – The False Promise of Fake food – Carbon capture and net-zero – Geo-engineering – The Role of Biodiversity and Agroecological Systems – The climate emergency we face today is part of several interlocking […]

Plants, Planet & People – The Living Earth and Climate Change
Author: Dr Vandana Shiva Earth care and the regeneration of biodiversity and living soil is the most effective and revolutionary Climate Action in times of extinction. The solutions to Food Crisis, Biodiversity Erosion and the Climate emergency lie in making peace with the Earth , recognising that the Earth is living, her biodiversity and biosphere […]

The Story of Rice
As one of the most important and most widely produced staple crops in the world, the story of rice is deeply tied to place and time. Throughout Asia, has always had a deeper significance than just a basic food, it holds an important place in cultural ceremonies and rituals, is a connector and creator of […]

UNFSS – Where Multinationals Continue to Design our Food Systems and Control our Diets
The Pre-Summit of the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) taking place in Rome, as a preparative stage to the New York September Summit, is, as expected, going in the wrong direction. As many civil society members, as well as past and current Rapporteurs on the Right to Food, have denounced, this summit is yet […]