International Meeting of Experts on Food For Health
"The health of the planet and the health of the people are one" - Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
"The health of the planet and the health of the people are one" - Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
By Manlio Masucci, Navdanya International, 14 May 2018
Nourishing or poisoning? What is the role of food in our productive, social and economic systems?
16 May 2018, Palazzo Budini Gattai, Piazza Santissima Annunziata, 1.
Registration is now open for the International Biodiversity Congress, which will take place in Dehradun, India, from 4 – 6 October 2018. Click here for details. The Congress is being organised as a joint initiative of Navdanya, Centre for...
The 2nd International Symposium on Agroecology, took place in Rome at FAO Headquarters from 3 – 5 April 2018. Navdanya International joined over 350 civil society organizations attending the Symposium, along with more than 700 participants and representatives of...
Call to Action 2018-2019: Join us from all over the world to reclaim our poison-free, gmo-free, local, agrobiodiverse and agroecological food heritage. Food systems are either sources of nourishment forging the foundations of human health and well-being or one...
Living Seeds: Navdanya’s Community Seed Banks Farmers’ self-reliance based on biodiversity intensive organic farming Women’s Food Sovereignty Navdanya Biodiversity Conservation Farm Earth University: Navdanya’s Learning Center dedicated to education for sustainable living Download Pdf
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On March 18, Navdanya International took part in a Seed-Freedom Day at the Farmer’s Market, a concrete and positive example of creation of local and ecological agricultural and food networks.
Corporations are putting our lives and our environment at risk through a growing and improper influence over institutions, whose responsibility should be, instead, protecting people and the planet. What is increasingly clear to all is the impact of their...