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Declaration: Seeding the Future of the Earth and Humanity

DECLARATION  Seeding the Future of the Earth and Humanity  Vasundhara Festival, Navdanya Biodiversity Farm, DehraDun, India  16 October 2024 PREAMBLE Food and agricultural systems have been spoiled by mechanistic science and voracious corporations; in fact, ecological degradation, infectious and non-communicable diseases, and the collapse of peasantry is under everybody’s eyes. Technologies first based on chemistry, […]

Biodiversity is Life – Not an Asset Class: Debunking Biodiversity Credits, the Next Wave of Bio-Imperialism

Full Report – Download Executive Summary – Download In the name of biodiversity “conservation” and “protection”, the corporate sector is increasingly making calls for the financialisation of nature. The financialization of nature continues the harmful legacy of bio-imperialism. These mechanisms, which include schemes like biodiversity credits and Nature Asset Companies (NACs), represent the latest attempt […]

La Régénération, c’est la Vie : Un Paradigme Agroécologique pour Surmonter la Crise Climatique

Sous-titres en français disponibles Télécharger PDF À l’occasion de la 28e COP sur le climat, Navdanya International présente “La Régénération, c’est la Vie – Un Paradigme Agroécologique pour Surmonter la Crise Climatique ».  Il existe deux principaux paradigmes pour nous percevoir dans le monde et dans notre relation avec la Terre. Nous nous considérons soit comme […]


TÉLÉCHARGEZ LE PDF “La biodiversité, c’est la vie. La biodiversité tisse la toile de la vie. Elle n’est pas la « propriété intellectuelle » des entreprises. Elle n’est pas un atout financier pour ceux dont l’avidité entraîne l’extinction et la perte de la biodiversité” — Dr Vandana Shiva La Biodiversité est un continuum Il existe un lien […]

Plants, Planet & People – The Living Earth and Climate Change

Author: Dr Vandana Shiva Earth care and the regeneration of biodiversity and living soil is the most effective and revolutionary Climate Action in times of extinction. The solutions to Food Crisis, Biodiversity Erosion and the Climate emergency lie in making peace with the Earth , recognising that the Earth is living, her biodiversity and biosphere […]

Bill Gates et Ses Fausses Solutions pour le Changement Climatique

Des technologiques miracles ne sauveront pas notre planète Dans son dernier livre « Climat : comment éviter un désastre. Les solutions actuelles. Les innovations nécessaires », Bill Gates, le co-fondateur de Microsoft, propose un plan pour stopper le réchauffement climatique en réduisant à zéro les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES). Ce qui […]

Paper on Springer Nature – Development: « The Biodiversity Paradigm: Building Resilience for Human and Environmental Health »

© Society for International Development 2020 Cite: Shroff, R., Cortés, C.R. The Biodiversity Paradigm: Building Resilience for Human and Environmental Health. Development (2020). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41301-020-00260-2 Abstract It is a well-established fact that biodiversity is pivotal to human and planetary health, completely entwining biodiverse natural systems into a continuum, through our food systems, into human health. This […]

Short Fact Sheet on Bees and Pollinators

There are over 20,000 species of bee of which the domestic honey bee is just one. They are all pollinators and are responsible for the majority of crop pollination. [1] Most pollinators are wild but a few species of bees can be managed, such as honeybees (Apis mellifera, Apis cerana), some bumblebees and a few […]