22 avril, 2021
9:00 am
Online, Online
Featuring Vandana Shiva, Farida Akhter and Susan Hawthorne

About this Event

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22 April 2021 – 8am BST

Vandana Shiva is a physicist, ecologist, feminist, activist, and author of numerous books. She is the founder of Navdanya, a movement for biodiversity conservation and farmers’ rights. She is also the founder and director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy. In 1993, she received the Right Livelihood Award, commonly known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize.” Other awards include the Order of the Golden Ark, Global 500 Award of the UN, Earth Day International Award, the Lennon Ono Grant for Peace, and the Sydney Peace Prize 2010.

Farida Akhter is a women’s movement activist and a leading exponent of biodiversity-based ecological agriculture. She is campaigning against the harmful, unethical, deceptive and coercive introduction of GM crops in Bangladesh since the late 1990s both. She writes regularly in Bangla and English language in national daily newspapers. Farida Akhter is the Executive Director of UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative), and one of the key organisers of Nayakrishi Andolon (New Agricultural Movement). She is also the founder of Narigrantha Prabartana (Women’s Resource Centre), Organiser of Coalition Against Bt. Brinjal in Bangladesh, a leading member of United Women’s Front, and Convenor of Women’s Alliance against Tobacco (TABINAJ).

Susan Hawthorne is an Australian writer, poet, political commentator and publisher. With Renate Klein, she is co-founder and director of Spinifew Press an independent feminist publisher. She and Klein were named winners of the George Robertson Award, which recognises publishers with 30 years or more service to publishing. She has a doctorate in Women’s Studies and Political Science from the University of Melbourne. Susan Hawthorne has been active in the women’s liberation movement.