In continuation of our work with Latin American movements, Navdanya International, in collaboration with Latin American groups, organised workshops on the Poison-free Food and Farming 2030 Campaign at the XI Brazilian Congress of Agroecology. Over the past 4 years Navdanya International has been working with movements in Brazil and Latin America on a series of issues related to Food, Health, and Agroecology, following the People’s Assembly in The Hague in 2016, the collaboration in the coordination of the 1st international seminar on agrochemicals, Socio-environmental Impacts and Human Rights of December 2018, as well as the book “Agrotoxics and agroecology: scientific, legal, political and socio-environmental challenges” (Agrotoxicos e agroecologia: enfrentamentos cientificos, juridicos, politicos e socioambentales). The Congress provided the opportunity to join and consolidate the coalition of Latin American movements leading the “Agrotoxico Mata” campaign to defend life of all being against toxic pesticides.
The Congress took place at the Federal University of Sergipe in Aracajú from the 4th to the 7th of November. It was structured in 16 different thematic axes within Knowledge Dialogue spaces, which were active during the entire duration of the event, 10 plenary conferences and a closing conference, and saw the participation of several thousand people.
In particular, at the round table on November 6 on the theme of «Citizens’ science and knowledge dialogue in Latin America» it was possible to compare the work developed by Navdanya International through the participatory drafting and dissemination of the «Food for Health» Manifesto with citizens’ science initiatives on the theme of the fight against agrotoxics in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico. In the discussion the need emerged to integrate the research carried out by the different groups and to elaborate common materials aimed at presenting the most relevant common results to an even wider audience.