Home > Destacados > Chile introduces the Rights of Nature in its Constitutional Assembly

The century of oil became a century of ecocide & genocide because it treated the earth and nature as dead, mere raw material to be extracted for profits. Humanity will have a future if we remember the earth is alive, the Earth has rights, and we have responsibilities to protect her. I am happy that Chile has joined the countries whose citizens have worked to introduce the Rights of Nature in their constitution. “ This is how Dr Vandana Shiva, President of Navdanya International, commented on the news that Chile has introduced the Rights of Nature in its Constitutional Assembly.

Chile recognizes Rights of Nature in Constitutional Assembly

Source: Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature

Chile has taken a giant step by recognizing the Rights of Nature in the Constitutional Convention, passing the following article of principles (Art 9):

“Individuals and peoples are interdependent with nature and together, they are an inseparable whole. Nature has rights. The State and society have the duty to protect and respect them”.

The second paragraph of Article 9: “Nature has rights. The State and society have the duty to protect and respect them” was passed and becomes a draft of the new Constitution in Chile.

If approved by plebiscite, this Constitution would be the second in the world (after Ecuador) to recognize Nature as a subject of Rights.

The International Rights of Nature Tribunal and the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature – GARN – congratulate Chile for this historic and firm step in favor of the Rights of Nature.