28 julio, 2020
9:00 am
Online, Online

Tuesday 28 July

9.30am PT // 10.30am MDT // 5.30pm BST // 6.30pm CEST // 7.30pm MSK // 10pm IST


EcoResolution is very excited to be hosting an online interview with co-founder Cara Delevingne and our hero Dr Vandana Shiva. Register for free to join us.

About the event:

The Food, Health and Climate crises are inseparable. It is estimated that over 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year (FAO 2019). Meanwhile, in 2018 around 820 million people worldwide were undernourished (UN 2019). The climate and health impacts of both food production and food waste are monumental, and as our climate changes and populations increase, we must find sustainable and just ways to feed the planet that do not rely on industrial agriculture and genetic modification.

The good news is that whilst the challenges we face are interconnected, the solutions are too. These crises are driven by systems that were made by humans and that can be changed by humans.

On Tuesday 28th July, EcoResolution co-founder Cara Delevingne will meet the author, activist and ecofeminist Dr Vandana Shiva to learn how we can support and participate in the movement towards a just and sustainable world that prioritises the health of communities and ecosystems.

Over the hour we will explore who really feeds the world: From the needs of small farmers to the importance of seed saving; why both diversity and localisation matter; the connection with climate breakdown; and, finally the role of women in producing the world’s food.

Send in your questions for Cara to ask Vandana via instagram, facebook or twitter @myecoresolution

Don’t forget to register!


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ONLINE EVENT: Solutions to the interconnected crises of food, health & climate W/ @caradelevingne & @vandanashiva1 🌱 register now to join the conversation by clicking the link in bio ✨👆 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It may not be the catchiest event title, but the fact is that our food, health and climate crises are all interconnected in messy and complex ways. 🌍 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It all comes back to #climatejustice – as the effects of climate change continue to impact our agricultural and food systems, we must ask: who *really* feeds the world? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Join us next Tuesday and make sure to send us any questions you want Cara to ask Vandana about solutions to our interconnected crises. We are so excited for this crucial and timely conversation, we hope you will be too. #ecoresolution #myecoresolution

Un post condiviso da #MyEcoResolution (@myecoresolution) in data:

EcoResolution is an environmental justice platform enabling people to step up rather than shut down in the face of the climate crisis. Current global systems are not serving people or planet, they are driving ecological breakdown and social injustice. EcoResolution educates and empowers people around the world to take action, mobilise their communities and co-create a world that thrives.
