Home > Calendar – Upcoming Actions > Biodiversity, Earth Democracy, Ecofeminism, Local Food Economies, Tour Italia giugno 2023, Vandana Shiva > Press Conference: Launch of the Ecofeminist Manifesto “Making Peace with the Earth”
05 Juni, 2023
11:00 am
Associazione della Stampa Estera in Italia, Via dell’Umiltà 83 - Rome

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5 June 2023 – World Environment Day

11 am – Press Conference at the International Press Office in Rome, Via dell’Umiltà 83

Launch of the Ecofeminist ManifestoMaking Peace with the Earth” by Diverse Women for Diversity – Toward a Poison-Free, GMO Free Future


Dr Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International

Nadia El Hage Scialabba, Food Ecologist retired from FAO and senior fellow at the Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems (Arizona State University)

Nicoletta Dentico, Head of the Global Health Justice Program at Society for International Development (SID)

Silvia Francescon, Head of the Ecology Programme at the Italian Buddhist Union

Elisa D’Aloisio, Coalizione Italia Libera da OGM

Free admission subject to availability.

It is recommended to register by sending an email to info@navdanyainternational.org

Livestream on Navdanya International Facebook Page

Events full program from 5 – 7 June 2023