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Food for Health

How we produce, distribute, consume food is increasingly becoming the centre of the multiple crises we face today. Whether it is ecological crises of biodiversity decline, climate change or the health crisis of hunger, malnutrition and the spate of...

International Biodiversity Congress

Celebrating Biodiversity with Navdanya 4 – 6 October 2018, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarkhand, India 4th October 2018 – Press Release A biodiverse organic Himalaya is possible and that is the vision Navdanya is working towards while joining forces...

Food for Health Fact-Sheet

Food for Health Manifesto: a few data – Environmental contaminants and pesticides More than 80,000 new chemicals and 20 million by-products have been on the market since World War II. Since 1945, global pesticide production has increased about 26...