Home > Publications > Navdanya India, Relatórios > Health per Acre

India is faced with a triple food crisis – an agrarian crisis, the tragic symptom of which is 250,000 farmers’ suicides, the rising food prices and food inflation and the hunger and malnutrition crisis. All three crises have common roots – a non sustainable, inefficient system of food production and the commodification of food.

The report shows how biodiverse ecological agriculture produces more health and nutrition per acre while increasing farmers’ incomes. Contrary to the myth that organic farming cannot feed India or the world, the report shows that ecological agriculture is in fact the only way to remove hunger and poverty.

Food is not a commodity. Food is for nutrition and sustenance. Therefore measuring the nutrition and health output of agriculture is more relevant than measuring the yield of commodities that are traded and leave the farm. The commodification of food has created 1 billion hungry people worldwide and 250 million hungry people in India. Commodification and speculation of food is also contributing to the rise in food prices which has led to double digit inflation.

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