Ecological Happiness
– Protecting the Planet, our Health and our Future Generations by transforming the Food System Course of Navdanya With Dr Vandana Shiva and Dr Rekhi Singh 12th August, 2021 – 5pm IST – 1.30pm CEST – 7.30am ET
Nessun vertice in nostro nome! Questo Summit è illegittimo! Il cibo è un bene comune!
Il numero di persone affamate e malnutrite a livello mondiale è in vertiginoso aumento. I nuovi allarmanti dati presentati dalle Nazioni Unite a luglio 2021 parlano di 720-811 milioni di persone. Si stima che nel 2020 il numero di...
Custodi del suolo
Il terreno su cui camminiamo, oltre ad essere la fonte primaria del cibo è una risorsa vivente, piante e animali sopra e sotto terra dipendono dai complessi processi e interazioni che avvengono nel suolo e che permettono l’esistenza e...
Nourishing Life Conference – The Link Between Soil Health & Human Health
The conference will address the interwoven threads of soil health, nutrition, and community health. About this event Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice Presents : Nourishing Life Conference, held virtually on June 18-19th. Free to attend. Register Description: We face...
Dr Vandana Shiva – Regenerating Soil, Regenerating Health
– What is the relationship between healthy soil and human health? The Scientific and Medical Network, The Resurgence Trust, The Soil Association, Navdanya and the Real Farming Trust present a panel discussion with: Dr Vandana Shiva, Satish Kumar, Helen Browning OBE and Colin Tudge, chaired by...
The Commitment of the Sri Lankan Government to Go Organic
June 9th 2021, International webinar “The commitment of the Sri Lankan government to go organic!”. A brave, futuristic move that requires balancing science with tradition
Regenerative Organic Farming for Economy of Permanence and Prosperity for All
A brave, futuristic move that requires balancing science with tradition
Education for Making Peace with the Earth
– Course of Navdanya For more information and registration email ; +91 (0) 135-2693025 Bija Vidyapeeth – Earth University
International Conference on Climate Justice
The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence – Climate Justice and the international research team “Climate Change, Territories, Diversity“of the University of Padua are pleased to invite you to the first international seminar entirely dedicated to the themes of Climate...