Satyagraha for a Sacred Economy
On 2nd October 2019, Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary, a new Satyagraha for a Sacred economy is beginning in Bangalore.
On 2nd October 2019, Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary, a new Satyagraha for a Sacred economy is beginning in Bangalore.
It is significant that at a time in history when a global economic paradigm shift is being loudly and clearly demanded due to the evident and documented failure of the current system of production, global trade and distribution that...
By Dr Vandana Shiva – Truthout, 22 September 2019 | Source The Earth is living, and also creates life. Over 4 billion years the Earth has evolved a rich biodiversity — an abundance of different living organisms and ecosystems...
Photo courtesy of California Guild The highlight of this year’s edition of the National Heirloom Expo (Santa Rosa, California, 10-12 September 2019) was a panel presentation on the health of the planet, chaired by Mary Jacob, President of Friends...
By Dr Vandana Shiva Statement issued on 6th August, Hiroshima Day On this day, 6 August 1945, the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima which immediately killed 80,000 people with tens of thousands more dying later as a result...
By Dr Vandana Shiva – Jivad, Vandana Shiva’s blog, 2 July 2019 | Source India is a land of Diversity – of climates, plants, food and agriculture systems, languages and dress. We have every climate of the world –...
By Dr Vandana Shiva – Independent Science News, 18 June 2019 | Source The ontology and ecology of food Food is not a commodity, it is not “stuff” put together mechanically and artificially in labs and factories. Food is...
By Dr Vandana Shiva – Jivad – The Organic Way, Vandana Shiva’s Blog, 10 June 2019 | Source After a series of 7 public hearings on Bt Brinjal, on February 9 2010, the then minister of state for Environment...
By Dr Vandana Shiva – Jivad – The Organic Way, Vandana Shiva’s Blog | Source My message on World Environment Day, 5th June 2019 – Economy: From Care and Management of “oikos” to a Money Machine at War with the...
Interview with Vandana Shiva – By Manlio Masucci, Navdanya International Is there a connection between the food we consume on a daily basis, the industrial food production system, environmental pollution and the chronic diseases afflicting the world’s population? According...