Food, Health, and Climate: Interconnected Crises
May 6th 15:00 (CET Time) – Zoom
Registrations are closed, but you can still watch the webinar, as it will be broadcasted live on ClimAlt Facebook page and/or Navdanya International Facebook page.
as part of “ClimAlt, alternatives to climate change” course!
The Webinar will focus on our current, interconnected planetary crises of climate and health, denouncing false solutionism in favor of sustainable solutions.
We live in a time of unprecedented crisis generated by 200 years of planetary exploitation. This exploitation has led us down the path of possible, irreversible climate change, and now, the worldwide pandemic of Covid19. Both crises have one thing in common, the industrialized, globalized and now digitized predatory economic model that has led to worldwide ecological devastation. The very perpetrators of this ecological devastation also now try to sell us their solutions as the only path forward. But instead, what these crises have also shown us is how deeply interconnected the health of the planet, its plants, and animals, is with our human health. During this webinar we use this current global health crisis, as well as the climate crisis, to issue a wakeup call that an alternative future is, not only possible, but now an absolute imperative.
Join us with Dr. VANDANA SHIVA, NNIMMO BASSEY and NAVDANYA INTERNATIONAL as we discuss how we got to these moments of deep planetary crisis and the holistic solutions present in planetary interconnection.
If you would also like to hear more from either of our speakers or Navdanya International: you can follow Nnimmo’s latest writings on his website https://nnimmobassey.net/ titled Earthly Tales or at HOMEF.org the page for Health of Mother Earth Foundation.
You can follow us and Vandana Shiva at navdanya international.org and make sure to check out our latest campaign One Planet, One Health: Connected through Biodiversity.
The webinar is organized by Navdanya International as part of the European project #ClimAlt, co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme. The project aims at raising young people’s awareness on climate change, and encouraging their critical thinking and action towards the containment of this global challenge. For more information visit the project website www.climaltproject.eu
The webinar will explore the following issues:
- Common roots of the interconnected crises of Food, Heath and Climate
- False solutions to the Climate Crisis
- The ecological solutions that are growing from the ground
- The road to a post Covid future that works for the health and people
Vandana Shiva, a world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocat, is the founder and director of Navdanya International. Trained as a Physicist at the University of Punjab, she completed her Ph.D. on the ‘Hidden Variables and Non-locality in Quantum Theory’ from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. She later shifted to inter-disciplinary research in science, technology and environmental policy, which she carried out at the Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, India. In 1982 she founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE), an independent research institute that addresses the most significant problems of ecology of our times, and two years later, Navdanya (‘nine seeds’) the movement in defense of biodiversity and small farmers. In 2011 she founded Navdanya International in Italy and is Chairman of the International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture, co-founded with the then President of the Region of Tuscany. Recipient of many awards, including in 1993 the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’, and named among the top five “Most Important People in Asia” by AsiaWeek in 2001. Shes is a prolific writer and author of numerous books and serves on the board of the International Forum on Globalization, and member of the executive committee of the World Future Council.
Nnimmo Bassey is director of the ecological think-tank, Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) with head office in Benin City, Nigeria. He is member steering committee of Oilwatch International – and was chair of Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) (2008-2012) and Executive Director of Nigeria’s Environmental Rights Action (1993-2013). He is also a Member of the Action Research Network for a Wellbeing Economy in Africa (WE-Africa). His books include We Thought it Was Oil, But It was Blood – Poetry (Kraft Books, 2002), I will Not Dance to Your Beat – Poetry (Kraft Books, 2011), To Cook a Continent – Destructive Extraction and the Climate Crisis in Africa (Pambazuka Press, 2012) and Oil Politics – Echoes of Ecological War (Daraja Press, 2016). His regular blog posts can be found at www.nnimmobassey.net.
The Climate Change challenge is finally on the worldwide public agenda. In particular, due to the activism of young people demanding more effective measures in the protection of their future from climate change impacts. They are taking on a central role in raising awareness, leading to the engagement of more and more youth worldwide.
The ClimAlt project offers four thematic in depth Webinars, each 1,5 hours long, in different languages, during April and May of 2020. The webinars will provide participants with content about how civil society organizations can proactively contribute to tackling climate change. It is based on showing concrete examples from projects with an emphasis on the solutions side. The ClimAlt Webinars will also be the final step of a training pilot experience in which more than 100 students are currently enrolled.
April 2020
- April 30th 2020. Thematic focus: Covid19, Climate Change and socio-political implications. Organization: A Sud. Language: Italian.
May 2020
- May 6th 2020. Thematic focus: Agroecology and Climate Change. Organization: Navdanya International. Language: English.
- May 13th 2020. Thematic focus: Energy goals in the programming period 2014-2020. Organization: DOOR. Language: Croatian.
- To be scheduled. Thematic focus: Zero waste and Climate Change. Organization: Za Zemiata. Language: Bulgarian.