Five more years of Glyphosate: The European Parliament does not take Citizens’ interest into account
Press Release – #StopGlifosato Coalition | italiano The European Parliament has not considered the request coming from civil society.
Press Release – #StopGlifosato Coalition | italiano The European Parliament has not considered the request coming from civil society.
In lead to the G7 to be held in Begamo, Vandana Shiva was invited by BioDistretto Agricoltura Sociale Bergamo, Coldiretti Bergamo and Confagricoltura Bergamo with the support of Bergamo Munciipality and Province. “Il cibo dev’essere democratico” Di Marta...
By Dr Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age, 6 October 2017 | Source | Italiano – Deutsch Living systems evolve, adapt and regenerate; they are not engineered.
On 1st October 2017, Navdanya launched the international campaign for Poison Free Food and Farming at Bhoomi Festival 2017 “Listening to the Mountains” in New Delhi, which was organised in collaboration with India International Centre. Communities in the Alps...