Noccioland: incontro-dibattito
Poison Free: dai territori l’alternativa vincente all’espandersi delle monocolture
Poison Free: dai territori l’alternativa vincente all’espandersi delle monocolture
– incontro-dibattito Ore 11:00 Saluto e presentazioni Ore 11:10 “NOCCIOLAND”. Manlio Masucci, giornalista, presenta l’inchiesta sulla diffusione della coltivazione intensiva della nocciola prevista anche nella Tuscia, di cui è autore per la rivista Terra Nuova Ore 11:45 – 12:00...
– Informe: http://pospandemia.naturalezadederechos.org/ El Día de la Pachamama (1 de Agosto 2020) nos presenta una actividad motivante, encuentro de Vandana Shiva con las asambleas y organizaciones de los Pueblos Fumigados que desde hace 20 años denuncian los impactos negativos...
Friday, July 31, 2020 9:00 a.m. (PST) Online via Zoom Webinar In partnership with alumniUBC Tickets: Free Register> Join renowned scholar and conservationist Dr. Vandana Shiva, along with students from UBC’s Faculty of Land and Food Systems, for the...
Tuesday 28 July 9.30am PT // 10.30am MDT // 5.30pm BST // 6.30pm CEST // 7.30pm MSK // 10pm IST REGISTER FOR FREE – EcoResolution is very excited to be hosting an online interview with co-founder Cara Delevingne and...
Data: 17 de juliol de 2020 de 11:30 a 12:30. Divendres. Lloc de realització: Web de la Universitat d’Estiu de Gandia Descripció: Vandana Shiva serà l’encarregada de pronunciar la conferència inaugural de la 37 UEG que porta per títol...
– CURLS 2020 Chulalongkorn University Right Livelihood Summerschool (CURLS) in collaboration with Global Campus of Human Rights – Asia Pacific, IFOAM Asia and JAI JAGAT 2020 Making Peace with the Earth Towards Post-COVID19 LOCAL & GLOBAL FOOD COMMONS One...
COVID-19 shows need for a radical change in our food system. What should we build or disrupt? COVID-19 shows the need for radical change in our food system. As landworkers, farmers and growers, we will look at what we...
🎙️ “Un virus, l’humanité et la Terre” à 14h avec Vandana Shiva, écologiste et militante féministe, et Lionel Astruc, écrivain et journaliste Traduction audio à écouter sur http://swll.to/vandana-lionel Site web https://www.welovegreen.fr/