Home > Notícias > Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year

Navdanya International wishes all its friends, partners and supporters

Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year


Thank you for being part of our community.

“Our diverse seeds, foods and ecological systems of food and farming based on nature’s laws have sustained us and the Earth for thousands of years.

Farming without fossil fuels and fossil fuel based agrotoxins, intensifying nature’s biodiversity and her processes of photosynthesis, regenerating her biosphere is the answer to the climate crisis, the food crisis, the health crisis.

We can learn from the Earth how to heal and regenerate her.”

— Dr Vandana Shiva (A Declaration – Beyond Climate Colonialism and Food Imperialism to Earth Democracy and Food Freedom)


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and help grow the Seeds of a brighter, healthier and more resilient future.