Home > Ecoculturae – Regenerating Ecological Communities
Mission and VisionEducational ApproachBeneficiariesOngoing Programs
Educational Offering for StudentsEducational Offering for TeachersMaterials / Resources


Navdanya is a nonprofit organization that has been active in education for more than 30 years through the Earth University based in India and visited annually by hundreds of students from around the world. Navdanya has always been present at major international summits, including the FAO Food Security Council, actively participating in all major international environmental conventions. It has collaborated with research institutes and universities around the world and conducted international cooperation projects.

Earth University – Navdanya (Photo: The Hummngbird Project)

Navdanya International was created in Italy in 2011 for the purpose of supporting Navdanya’s mission internationally. Among the organization’s goals are the protection of nature and biodiversity, the defense of indigenous and traditional cultures and knowledge, the defense of consumers’ right to healthy, poison-free food, and the protection of the right of farmers and ordinary citizens to freely save, exchange, grow and breed seeds.

Navdanya International has collaborated with governments, local governments, universities and high schools and maintains media partnerships with major Italian media. In recent years, it has especially partnered with the University of Washington and offered local education programs such as the Biodiversity is Life, Water is Life and Blue Communities projects. These programs inspired a graphic novel translated into Italian, English and Spanish entitled Biodiversity is Life. Research, reports and manifestos compiled by the International Commission on the Future of Food, and all dissemination and educational materials are available to download for free on the organization’s website.

Mission and Vision

Our mission is to inspire and empower the next generation with the skills, knowledge and ecological literacy needed to nurture sustainable, just and resilient food systems. We promote deep connection to the land, ecological awareness, and active citizenship by integrating agricultural practices with educational experiences based on agroecology, biodiversity, and community-driven ecological resilience.

Our vision is a society in which individuals are deeply connected to their territories, and act as stewards of biodiversity to promote regenerative and sustainable food systems. We work to train a generation of young people ready to contribute to food sovereignty, climate resilience, and the well-being of their communities.

Educational Approach

Navdanya International’s educational programs offer a comprehensive and integrated approach to promote ecological awareness and literacy in the community.

Emphasizing the inseparable relationship between humans and nature, the programs encourage a transition to sustainable living practices that prioritize environmental resilience, local knowledge and global expertise. The program is based on a holistic systems approach, promoting ecological thinking as a fundamental pillar of community development and environmental stewardship.

We work through a horizontal form of collaboration, to interconnect and strengthen social and ecological resilience through unified collective action. We achieve this by engaging diverse actors, from organizations, citizens and schools to experts, policy makers, and grassroots networks.

Through regenerative practices, education in deep ecology principles, and community-led action, we seek to build resilient communities that are ecologically aware and empowered to take meaningful action for the planet.


Navdanya International’s educational programs are aimed primarily at teachers and students. Students are the protagonists of our future and teachers play the crucial role of transmitting knowledge and values needed to address the environmental and climate crisis. Through innovative training guides, we offer young people and teachers practical and theoretical tools to promote an informed and active ecological citizenship.

Through a horizontal and participatory approach, our programs involve farmers, small-scale organic farms, farmers’ markets, experts, families, local governments and the entire community. This collaborative network enables the creation of tools and opportunities that strengthen ecological and social resilience, promoting local and sustainable food systems. Through events, educational initiatives and activities on the ground, we work to generate a positive impact on all members of society.

Ongoing Programs

Navdanya International has already successfully launched several educational initiatives dedicated to youth, promoting the discovery of the interconnectedness of ecology, culture and community. Through an experiential and participatory approach, the projects implemented have encouraged young people to explore crucial issues such as biodiversity, water management and community resilience. The activities carried out, which integrate theory and practice, aim to raise awareness among the younger generation about the importance of protecting our planet, providing concrete tools to become protagonists of ecological and social change.

Among the main projects:

Biodiversity is Life: Let’s discover and protect it together

The project was an educational journey aimed at discovering the richness of local biodiversity and its fundamental role in the regeneration of territories. Through educational workshops and field activities, young people delved into the value of biological diversity and agroecological practices, understanding how to actively contribute to nature conservation.

Water is Life

The project emphasized the importance of water as a common good and essential resource for life. Through educational activities and awareness-raising moments, youth explored issues related to water management and the challenges of the climate crisis, discovering sustainable solutions to preserve this vital resource.

Blue Communities

Focused on the connection between local communities and water resources, the project encouraged young people to reflect on the link between territories and the water cycle. Through meetings with experts and hands-on activities, participants became more aware of community solutions for sustainable water management and protection of aquatic ecosystems. Funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, in collaboration with various partners led by CeVI – Centro di Volontariato Internazionale.

Agroecology is Life: Youth Discovering Local Food Systems

This project, in continuity with activities already carried out in Tuscia, engages young people in experiential educational pathways. Through seasonal visits to local organic and agro-pastoral farms, hands-on workshops on horticulture, cheese manufacturing, baking with ancient grains, and biodiversity observation, participants learn the value of ecological food systems. The creation of a “Food Sovereignty Handbook” co-created by the youth consolidates the experience, providing a concrete tool for promoting good ecological practices in the area.

In line with this experience, Navdanya International’s educational programs continue to evolve and deepen the understanding of ecosystems and their inter-relationships. Through experiential journeys, we explore the value of soils, seeds, pollinators, agro-pastoral systems and wildlife, integrating social and cultural aspects that foster active and informed citizenship.

Educational Offering for Students

The educational program, in collaboration with local schools, addresses in its first phase those students adhering to specific school pathways for cross-curricular skills and orientation (PCTO). The program aims to cultivate ecological awareness and promotes the concept of Earth Democracy, a worldview based on mutual understanding and care for the earth and society.

Direct engagement of young people with the interconnectedness of humans and the natural environment within food systems highlights the essential role of individuals in their communities. It fosters a deep awareness of the relationships among all living beings and underscores universal rights concerning society and the environment, thereby laying the foundation for an equitable future for the next generation.

Program Goals

  1. Basic ecological knowledge: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of key ecological issues, such as soil health, seed biodiversity, sustainable food systems, water conservation and forest management.
  1. Promoting active citizenship: Inspiring students to care for their local ecosystems and actively participate in sustainable practices that contribute to the health and resilience of their communities.
  1. Practical skills development: Providing students with practical skills in conservation, regenerative agriculture and resource management through hands-on activities, workshops and field visits.
  1. Connection to land and community: Strengthen students’ connection to local landscapes and cultures by promoting knowledge of traditional ecological practices and community solutions.
  1. Reflection and critical thinking: Encourage students to reflect on the global impacts of local environmental issues and to think critically about sustainable solutions.

Teaching Approach

The program follows a participatory and experiential, immersive approach that integrates theoretical and practical knowledge through field activities on local farms. The “learning by doing” model leverages the community and its surroundings to teach cross-cutting concepts, including language, math, science and social studies. Students develop a deep connection with their local area and the people who live there, learning in a meaningful and hands-on way.

Educational Offering – Program at a Glance

Modules cover the following topics:

  1. From seed to table: environmental sustainability and agroecology
    1. Impacts of industrial agriculture.
    2. Agroecological alternatives and educational tools for sustainable production.
  2. Climate change: the resilience needed
    1. Role of agriculture in climate change.
    2. Low-emission practices and mitigation strategies through food.
  3. Food for health.
    1. Risks associated with ultra-processed and industrial foods.
    2. How to build a healthy diet based on local foods.
  4. Water is life.
    1. Impacts of agriculture on water and strategies to protect water resources.
    2. Methods for sustainable water management.
  5. Biodiversity is life
    1. Threats to biodiversity and agroecological solutions.
    2. Regenerative agriculture models for ecosystem conservation.
  6. Regenerative agriculture and agropastoral systems.
    1. Benefits of regenerative grazing and animal welfare.
    2. Critical analysis of intensive farming and synthetic meat.
  7. Role and function of agroforestry systems.
    1. Integration of forests into agricultural systems to counter climate change.
    2. Agroforestry techniques and fire prevention.
  8. Agroecological cultivation and construction techniques.
    1. Mulching, raised gardens and food forestry.
    2. Soil regeneration and productive diversification.

Educational Offering for Teachers


The program is designed to promote the culture of sustainability in schools, addressing faculty by building on deep ecology and ecoliteracy to raise awareness of the importance of ecological practices and sustainable food choices among teachers and students. The program provides teachers with the tools to integrate sustainability into teaching, promoting conscious choices for a greener future.

Educational Offering – Program at a Glance

The training modules for teachers cover the same topics addressed in the program for students, declined to support faculty in designing engaging educational activities targeted to the school context.

Central themes of the modules include:

  • Environmental sustainability and agroecology.
  • Climate change and food systems.
  • Biodiversity conservation and water resources.
  • Regenerative farming techniques and agroforestry systems.
  • Food well-being and sustainable production models.

These topics are presented in a way that provides teachers with the necessary tools to raise student awareness and integrate sustainability into different school subjects.


The training is based on participatory methodologies, with a balance between theory and practice. Teachers directly experience the proposed activities, acquiring useful skills to develop interdisciplinary teaching paths that engage students and families in greater ecological awareness.


The meetings, lasting about two hours, are held in schools or at local farms. The program includes hands-on workshops, theory sessions and guided tours, ensuring immersive and stimulating learning.


Modules will be led by Navdanya International experts, including agronomists, nutritionists, and local producers.


Main Activities include:

  • Teacher training on sustainability and agroecology.
  • Creation of school gardens.
  • Visits to local farms with workshops on seedbeds, vegetable gardens, wild herbs, baking and cheese production.

Expected results

  • Short term: increased awareness among teachers and students about sustainability and healthy diet.
  • Long term: change in school eating habits, with canteens purchasing local food and healthier food choices on a personal level.

The program is supported by the Ecology Agenda of the Italian Buddhist Union, which promotes an ecocentric and interconnected worldview. Through its commitment to environmental sustainability and care for the Earth, Agenda Ecology shares with Navdanya International the principle of working for a society that recognizes the interdependence between all living things and their environment, thus promoting concrete actions for an ecologically and socially just future.



Biodiversity is Life: Graphic Novel

A graphic novel about the importance of biodiversity through an engaging, visual narrative. The book explores threats to biodiversity and solutions to protect our planet’s natural bounty, making ecological issues accessible to a younger audience and to anyone who wants an innovative approach to sustainability.



Biodiversity is Life – Illustrated Booklet 

A publication that delves into the concept of biodiversity and its crucial role in the health of our planet. The text explores how the loss of biodiversity is threatening life on Earth and proposes solutions for a more sustainable and regenerative future, focusing on agroecological and community-based practices.



Regeneration is Life – Illustrated Booklet

This book focuses on the concept of ecological and social regeneration, exploring how agricultural systems and ecological practices can help regenerate damaged lands. It offers practical examples of how communities can adopt regenerative models to create a healthier and more resilient environment.



Biodiversity is not for Sale – Illustrated Booklet  

An illustrated book that addresses the issue of the commodification of biodiversity and natural resources. Through its visuals, the book raises readers’ awareness about the need to protect biodiversity as a common good and to promote practices that respect and conserve the environment.




Biodiversity is Life: From local mobilisation to international action for ecological and social regeneration 

This article explores the link between local mobilization and international action to defend biodiversity, highlighting the importance of a global approach to ecological and social regeneration. The challenges and opportunities associated with protecting ecosystems through collective action are analyzed.

Safeguarding Biodiversity for the Regeneration of the Land 

An article that explores how biodiversity protection is a crucial factor in the regeneration of territories. Approaches and strategies that local communities can adopt to protect biodiversity are explored, contributing to ecological resilience and the well-being of future generations.