Once relegated to the fringe of the climate debate, plans to use solar geoengineering to mask rising temperatures are receiving increasing attention from some scientists, governments, and the media.
Catchy headlines about silver bullet fixes often downplay the real and profound risks that such technologies pose — including potentially devastating harm to ecosystems, increased droughts and extreme weather events, and the disruption of food production for millions of people around the world.
We hope that you can join us.
Perspectives from Scientists Panel
11 am – 12 pm EDT
Featuring: Michael Mann, Raymond Pierrehumbert, Jennie Stephens
Voices from Movements Panel
12 pm – 1:30 pm EDT
Featuring: Tom Goldtooth, Naomi Klein, Åsa Larson-Blind, Bill McKibben, Vandana Shiva, Greta Thunberg
The event is organized by:
Center for International Environmental Law, ETC Group, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Indigenous Environmental Network, Saami Council, WhatNext?, in collaboration with the Hands Off Mother Earth! (HOME) Campaign and the Swedish Stop Scopex Network
More on #SayNo2SolarGeo #SolarGeoengineering from @drvandanashiva “we need to move away from extracting hydrocarbons and towards using carbohydrates generated by photosynthesis, as in this leaf”. @SaamiCouncil @IENearth @ciel_tweets @GeoEngMon @boell_stiftung @ResearchersDesk pic.twitter.com/xr4sv0RgDs
— ETC Group (@ETC_Group) June 9, 2021
Panelist @drvandanashiva – It is the idea of being able to engineer our lives on this fragile and interconnected planet that created the fossil fuel age and Einstein warned us saying that you can't solve problems with the same mindset that created themhttps://t.co/2Mfpcu6Bju
— ETC Group (@ETC_Group) June 5, 2021