Ecofeminism : The Creative Power of Nature & Women
Course of Navdanya With Dr Vandana Shiva 6 – 8 March 2022 For more information and registration email earthuniversity@navdanya.net ; +91 (0) 135-2693025
Course of Navdanya With Dr Vandana Shiva 6 – 8 March 2022 For more information and registration email earthuniversity@navdanya.net ; +91 (0) 135-2693025
Basado en reporte: Democracia de la Tierra: Conectado los Derechos de la Madre Tierra a los Derechos de las Personas para el Bienestar de Todos, Navdanya, Dia de la Madre Tierra, 2021 Autores: Dr Vandana Shiva con el Equipo...
On October 29, 2021, Navdanya International hosted an online event “Regeneration for Climate Resilience – Will the COP26 still rely on False Solutions?”, with Dr. Vandana Shiva, President of Navdanya International, André Leu – International Director of Regeneration International, ...
More videos Join the People’s Food Summit Regeneration International, in conjunction with steering committee partners such as the Organic Consumers Association, The Global Alliance for Organic Districts, IFOAM Asia, Navdanya, the International Network of Eco Regions, Savory Hub Africa,...
By Dr Vandana Shiva The Earth is Living. She is Gaia, Pachamama, Vasundhara, Terra Madre. For indigenous cultures she is Mother Earth. Even scientists like James Lovelock call her Gaia because they have understood that she is living. The...
Wednesday 29 September 2021: 2pm – 3pm CEST Soil is vital to life on Earth – it provides our food, and the materials which form our clothes and build our homes. Soil plays a vital role in our...
Edward ‘Teddy’ Goldsmith left us 12 years ago this August. His passing left a huge void in our lives. His clarion call on the perils of industrialization, globalization, and climate change decades ago sounded the alarm to all who...
L’impegno per i diritti di tutti, per la tutela della biodiversità e dell’ambiente hanno una forte connotazione femminile plurale. Marianna APRILE Intervista: Vandana SHIVA | Attivista Ticket Pagina Web
Participan Vandana Shiva. Física, filósofa, escritora. Referente internacional del ecofeminismo. Ganadora del Premio Nobel Alternativo Florencia Santucho. Directora de FINCA. Festival Internacional de Cine Ambiental Modera: Katja Alemann. Actriz, escritora, fundadora de ReciclARTE Organizan CLACSO FINCA. Festival Internacional de...
El 1 de Agosto de 2021 a las 19 hs UTC -3, en el Día de la Pachamama, Vandana Shiva da entrevista al programa Cronopias que sale por Instagram, y reflexiona sobre su artículo «La Pachamama nos Alimenta» en...