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Making Peace with the Earth: Message for Mother Earth Day

We are at war with the Earth through Industrial Agriculture. Industrial Agriculture accounts for the largest share of destruction of biodiversity, soil, water, and climate stability, through the use of toxics and chemical-reliant GMOs.

Ecological agriculture based on Biodiversity can be the biggest contributor to Making Peace with the Earth- by rejuvenating the biodiversity that brings us nutrition, health and taste, by pulling out the excess carbon from the atmosphere where it does not belong, and putting it in the soil, where it increases soil fertility, conserves water, and contributes to mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Mere desh ki dharti…

In living soil lies the solution to climate change… Yet it is the soil itself that is being forgotten and buried under a borrowed paradigm of ‘cementification is progress’: http://www.navdanya.org/blog/?p=2119

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