Home > Calendar – Upcoming Actions > Earth University > Shakti: A Weekend Course on Eco Feminism
09 März, 2019
12:00 am
Navdanya – Doon Valley Biodiversity Farm/Bija Vidyapeeth, Shimla Bypass Road - Dehradun Village Ramgarh / Shishambara - India

The Earth University teaches Earth Democracy, which is the freedom for all species to evolve within the web of life, and the freedom and responsibility of humans, as members of the Earth family, to recognize, protect, and respect the rights of other species. Earth Democracy is a shift from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism. And since we all depend on the Earth, Earth Democracy translates into human rights to food and water, to freedom from hunger and thirst.
The course „Shakti : A Weekend Course on Eco Feminism“ will show the common roots of violence that cause harm and destruction to both women and nature and a path to the interconnected liberation of all beings.
Faculty include Dr. Vandana Shiva

Register at: earthuniversity@navdanya.net