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Food. Farming. Freedom.

A conference that seeks to raise the critical issues surrounding our food system and help strengthen the food and farming connection, with workshops to help strengthen consumer awareness and action and protect our food freedom. Get the chance to...

The Seed War

By Manlio Masucci (text and photos) – Navdanya International, 17 March 2020 From India to the rest of the world, corporations are trying to extend control over the first link of our food chain. Navdanya seed banks were created...

Wir haben es satt!-Demo

Am 18.01. wird Vandana Shiva an der Wir-haben-es-satt-Demo in Berlin teilnehmen. Auftakt: 12 Uhr +++ Agrarwende anpacken +++ Klima schützen +++ Freund*innen einladen +++ 2020 stehen wichtige Entscheidungen an: Ob EU-Agrarreform, Mercosur-Abkommen oder Klimaschutz – weil die Bundesregierung sich...