Over the last few months the ClimAlt project team has been developing an online course on climate change causes, impacts and potential solutions for young people.
Given the previous success of the course, the team has now opened an e-learning platform available to all young people, youth workers, trainers, teachers, activists and any individual or group interested in building skills in the field of climate change.
From today on, you will find free access to the platform’s video lectures, additional materials and quizzes to enhance your knowledge on climate change’s most pressing topics. Topics are organised into modules ranging from climate change sciences, global warming’s consequences, impacts on the environment and society, climate justice movements, and insights on international and European policies and the actions that we as citizens can practice to counter these trends.
Visit our project’s website and facebook page to discover the Climalt project, its activities and partnership and join the e-learning platform by filling in this form!
The e-learning platform contents have been developed by 4 environmental organisations who shared their knowledge as a contribution for the advancement of climate action around Europe: ZaZemiata – Bulgaria, Door – Croatia, Navdanya International and A Sud ecologia e cooperazione – Italy.
This new tool is meant for individuals or groups that want to increase their knowledge about climate change and its challenges, as well as for educators that can use it as a source of information for their activities.
Stay tuned for the upcoming release of a new game to foster climate action, open to all!
ClimAlt is a project funded under the Erasmus + programme of the European Union which aims to make young people more aware of the issue of climate change and to encourage them to take action and start tackling it through small and big actions.