Navdanya International is participating in #StopTTIP #StopCETA day in Rome, organised by Stop TTIP Italia, to protest against CETA, TTIP and all other Free Trade agreements that in the name of creating jobs, in the name of growth are subverting our very democracies.
These are not really creating jobs, they are taking away jobs, they are taking away farmers’ rights, our seed sovereignty as well as our food sovereignty. These are tools, starting with the WTO until now, that the corporations are using to take away our rights. Navdanya International will continue to fight for people’s freedom and not corporate freedom and to protest against these attacks on our democratic processes.
As all food containing wheat or derivative products is already affected by the import of the Canadian wheat heavily treated with toxics like Round Up, Italian #CETAfree, pesticides free spaghetti were cooked and distributed during the event – as a symbolic act – to protest against the fact that the signing of CETA agreement could open the gates to uncontrolled import of wheat from Canada, undermining the efforts to safeguard local quality food at all levels.