15 octobre, 2022
9:00 am
Naples-Campania-Italy-India, t.b.c.

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Naples, Italy, 15 October 2022

9 am

With Vandana Shiva, 11 am. CEST

Follow all the events on InfinitiMondi Youtube channel.

International platform, promoted and coordinated by InfinitiMondi publication with the presence of activist and environmentalist Dr. Vandana Shiva in video conference, founder of the movement for the defence of food sovereignty, seeds, biodiversity, and the rights of small farmers worldwide.

Participants from all walks of life – farmers, associations, researchers, schools and the young – will join in Interdisciplinary initiatives on issues of land, food, agriculture  and the contemporary human condition. Gatherings in ‘piazzas’ will unite around the call for food freedom, peace and social and environmental justice.


« V. Imbriani”, secondary classic/scientific school, Pomigliano d’Arco, scolastic institute, Duca di Buonvicino di Napoli, scolastic institute Levi Montalcini Marigliano, Antonio Pellegrino, Graditi Project, Mulino Bencivenga, Food Science Institute, CNR Avellino, Birrificio Serrocroce, the pasta of Imma di Lioni, Domus Antica Agriturismo, Lorenzo di Gugliemo, Azienda Montemarano Maria Grazia Contrada Castelluccio, Bisaccia Avellino, Giuseppe Pelullo, Casa del Popolo di Scafati, RINASCITA di Pomigliano d’Arco, Futuro Prossimo, Collegamento Campano Contro le Camorre « G.Franciosi », Slow Food Vesuvio, Vincenzo Egizio, SlowFood Social Agricultural community del Vesuvio, Scolastic institute 2° Circolo di Nola Sanseverino, Headmaster Ciccone / Docente referente Mariateresa Castaldo Tuccillo, GEA Environmental association, Marialuisa Faella (libera pensatrice),  Scolastic institute CARAVAGGIO di San Gennaro Vesuviano- Dirigente Scolastico Carmine Strocchia, Headmaster Stornaiuolo IC 46 Scialoja – Cortese San Giovanni a Teduccio NAPOLI,  InfinitiMondi.     


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The initiative is part of Navdanya International’s global campaign