Food sovereignty is need of the hour
By Dr Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age, 26 December 2017 | Source Two decades of corporate driven globalisation has destroyed the biodiversity and cultural diversity of our indigenous food systems.
By Dr Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age, 26 December 2017 | Source Two decades of corporate driven globalisation has destroyed the biodiversity and cultural diversity of our indigenous food systems.
By Dr Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age, 6 December 2017 | Source Swadeshi seeds have been bred for drought tolerance, flood tolerance as well as salt tolerance
Hundreds of millions of dollars are being invested by U.S. Military, companies and foundations on gene drives, a highly controversial technology aimed at genetic extinction. This is what emerges in The Gene Drives Files a set of over 1.200...
Today the EU Appeal Committee – consisting of experts from the EU member states and the European Commission – has approved the renewal of glyphosate license for 5 years, with representatives of 18 out of 28 EU member states...
By Dr Vandana Shiva, 24 November 2017 | Source Two Decades of Monsanto’s Illegal Actions, Frauds and Crimes in India
By Baskut Tuncak – The Guardian, 6 November 2017 | Source | italiano A pending decision on Monsanto’s ubiquitous weedkiller is a crucial opportunity to protect our children from the toxic cocktail of pesticides polluting their food, water and...
In October 2017, commemorating World Food Day, Navdanya and JAGA Indonesia organized an agroecology mobilization tour in collaboration with local partners in continuation to the mobilization kicked off in 2014 with Dr. Vandana Shiva’s visit to Indonesia and subsequently...
Press Release – #StopGlifosato Coalition | italiano The European Parliament has not considered the request coming from civil society.
By Ruchi Shroff, 19 October 2017 Pesticides, once used, do not dissolve into thin air, but persist in the environment, contaminating soil, air and water.
In lead to the G7 to be held in Begamo, Vandana Shiva was invited by BioDistretto Agricoltura Sociale Bergamo, Coldiretti Bergamo and Confagricoltura Bergamo with the support of Bergamo Munciipality and Province. “Il cibo dev’essere democratico” Di Marta...