Home > Newsletters Archive

Biodiversity is Life – Not an Asset Class: New Report by Navdanya International

Navdanya Earth University – Upcoming courses, events and journeys

Global Launch of « Biodiversity is Life – Graphic Novel »

Presentazione Graphic Novel « Biodiversity is Life »

Webinar for International Day for Biodiversity – Navdanya International

Save the Date, 30.05.24: Semi di Libertà – Roma incontra Vandana Shiva

Bio-imperialism vs. Bio-diversity – Mobilisation in Mexico

Día de la Tierra: Regenerando la Tierra, Regenerando nuestra salud – Navdanya International

Earth Day – Regenerating Our Planet, Regenerating Our Health – Navdanya International

Events in Mexico: Resisting GMO Imperialism

Regenerative agroecology: the necessary solution to counter climate change

Global Launch of “Regeneration is Life: An Agroecological Paradigm to Overtake the Climate Crisis” by Navdanya International

Call to Action – Care for the Earth: Voices of Diversity, Voices of Resilience

Nothing New in New GMOs – A New Report by Navdanya International

Newsletter di Navdanya International: giugno 2023

Celebrating Diverse Women for Diversity at Navdanya – March 2023

The CBD must resist the commodification of all life – December 2022

What is Missing from the Climate Debate – November 2022

Call to Action « Our Bread, Our Freedom » – September 2022

Navdanya International Newsletter: July 2022

Newsletter di Navdanya International: giugno 2022

Navdanya International Newsletter: June 2022

Save the date – Vandana Shiva a Roma: Ecologia profonda e agricoltura rigenerativa

#WorldBiodiversityDay: Biodiversity is Health

New Report: The Corporate Push for Synthetic Foods: False solutions that endanger our health and damage the planet

Navdanya International Newsletter – November 2021 #COP26Glasgow

Save the date – Webinar: Regeneration for Climate Resilience

Navdanya International Newsletter: September 2021

Newsletter di Navdanya International – settembre 2021

Navdanya International Newsletter: July – August 2021

Save the Date: Webinar “Which Future for our Climate? »

Navdanya International – Earth Day 2021

Navdanya International – Save the Date

Bill Gates & His Fake Solutions to Climate Change – Navdanya International Newsletter, April 2021

Navdanya International – Save the Date

Navdanya International Newsletter – January 2021

NOW ONLINE – ClimAlt open e-learning platform on Climate Change

Navdanya International Newsletter – November 2020

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EARTH DAY COMMUNIQUE – 22nd April 2020

Navdanya International Newsletter – April 2020

Newsletter di Navdanya International – febbraio 2020

Auguri di Buone Feste da Navdanya International

Season’s Greetings from Navdanya International

Navdanya International Newsletter – November 2019

Newsletter di Navdanya International – novembre 2019

Free online course on climate change

Navdanya International Newsletter – May 2019

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Navdanya International – notizie e aggiornamenti, aprile 2019

Season’s Greetings from Navdanya International

Auguri di Buone Feste da Navdanya International

Navdanya International News & Updates – Nov. 2018

Navdanya International: notizie e aggiornamenti – nov. 2018

Presentato al Sana di Bologna il Manifesto Food for Health

Navdanya International presenta il Manifesto ‘Food for Health’, Bologna, SANA, 9 settembre 2018

Press Release: Food for Health International Meeting

Conferenza Vandana Shiva: Cibo, Diritti, Salute – Navdanya International – Firenze 16 maggio 2018

Navdanya International – notizie e aggiornamenti | aprile 2018

Navdanya International News & Updates | April 2018

Vandana Shiva a Firenze: un’agricoltura libera dai veleni delle multinazionali | gennaio 2018

Save the Date: Vandana Shiva in Florence

Navdanya International News & Updates | December 2017

Navdanya News: 2 New Reports

Navdanya International News & Updates | July – August 2017

Conferenza: Il Veleno alle Porte

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World Environment Day 2017 – Navdanya International News & Updates

The Monsanto Tribunal’s Legal Opinion reinforces movements’ struggle for basic human rights

Opinión Consultiva Legal del Tribunal Monsanto

Presentata Opinione Legale Tribunale Monsanto

Navdanya Call to Action against the Corporate Takeover of our Food and Health

Iniziativa dei Cittadini Europei per vietare il glifosato

Launch of #StopGlyphosate European Citizens’ Initiative

Video – Monsanto Tribunal and People’s Assembly

Steps Towards Seed Freedom – Workshop at the People’s Assembly in The Hague

The Monsanto Tribunal and the People’s Assembly

People’s Assemblies across the world

Seed Freedom Call to Action 2016

Seed Freedom News & Updates, April 2016

Seed Freedom News & Updates – March 22, 2016

Dal Swaraj Yatra – Navdanya Pulse of Life Pilgrimage, March 7, 2016

“Make Monsanto pay”, new column by Dr Vandana Shiva, February 25, 2016

Seed Freedom News & Updates, Dec. 28, 2015

Seed Freedom News & Updates – GMOs – December 18, 2015

Navdanya at COP21 in Paris, Update – December 2, 2015

Navdanya at COP21 in Paris – November 27, 2015

Seed Freedom Upcoming Events – October 11, 2015

Seed Freedom Upcoming Events – October 8, 2015

Seed Freedom Upcoming Events – October 2, 2015

Seed Freedom News & Updates – September 15, 2015

Seed Freedom Upcoming Events – September 13, 2015

Call to Action for Living Seed and Living Soil – 2015

Seed Freedom News & Updates – August 2, 2015

Seed Freedom News & Updates – July 9, 2015

Seed Freedom News & Updates – June 20, 2015

“The Living Soil” New Film – Seed Freedom News & Updates – May 27, 2015

“The Living Seed” New Film – Seed Freedom News & Updates – May 23, 2015

Seed Freedom News & Updates – May 2, 2015

Press Release – International Women’s Day 2015

Seed Freedom News & Updates – Feb 25, 2015

Seed Freedom News & Updates – Jan 25, 2015

Seed Freedom News & Updates – Dec. 28, 2014

Seed Freedom News & Updates – Dec. 03, 2014

Seed Freedom News & Updates – Nov 18, 2014

Seed Freedom News & Updates – Nov 01, 2014

Seed Freedom Upcoming Events – Oct 29, 2014

Seed Freedom News & Updates – Oct 24, 2014