Home > Calendar – Upcoming Actions > Earth Democracy, Poison-Free Food and Farming > Strategies for Social and Environmental Justice: Insights from India, A Workshop with Vandana Shiva
05 mai, 2019
8:00 am
Sterling College, 16 Sterling Drive Craftsbury, VT 05827m United States

Join us for an all-day workshop with the founder of Navdanya and the woman behind India’s seed saving movement and shift towards ecological agriculture. The day will feature a mix of presentations, dialog, reflection, tea, and vegetarian fare.

Discussion topics include:

  • The Cultural and Religious Roots of Social & Environmental Activism in India
  • A History of Navdanya International
  • Melding Service and Science: Navdanya’s Approach to Conserving & Sharing Biodiversity
  • Dialogue on Strategies for Success in Local and Global Justice Initiatives with Dr. Vandana Shiva & Neha Singh
  • Crafting a Collaborative Future: Reflections from Navdanya & Sterling Representatives

Registration and refreshments are from 8-9AM. The main event will run from 9AM – 4:30PM.

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