Home > Calendar – Upcoming Actions > Poison-Free Food and Farming > The Importance of Mals Referendum and the Future of Global Agriculture
11 avril, 2019
6:00 pm
Aula Magna Mals, Via Nazionale, 9, 39024 Mals Venosta BZ, Italy


11 april 2019

6pm: Press Conference at Mals School Aula Magna

7pm: « The Importance of Mals Referendum and the Future of Global Agriculture », keynote of Vandana Shiva.

The evening with Vandana Shiva marks the start of the « hier und da – Gut leben im ländlichen Raum » (Here and there – living well in rural areas) festival organised by the Upper Vinschgau Citizens’ Cooperative, which will take place in Upper Vinschgau until and including Sunday 14 April and will feature cultural walks, concerts, workshops and debates with the participation of numerous artists and regional developers from near and far.

At the end of the Vandana Shiva conference on 11 April in the Aula Magna of the Oberschulzentrum in Mals, the municipality of Mals warmly invites all interested people to a party with a buffet prepared with the products of organic farmers from Obervinschgau.

On 1st October 2017, at Bhoomi, the Earth festival in New Delhi, communities from the Himalaya who have been practising chemical free organic farming joined with Communities in the Alps who have become pesticides free to launch the creation of a Global Network of Poison Free Organic communities and Zones. The Chief Minister of Sikkim who has made Sikkim the first 100% organic state in the world, and Mayor Ulrich Veith of Mals who have made his village poison free, were part of the launch of the poison free network.

The meeting of April 11th will be an opportunity to jointly sign a renewed commitment for an immediate transition to agro-ecological production models that respect biodiversity and counter climate change. 

12 april – 10.30am

Handing over to Vandana Shiva of the donations collected for a project of the organization Navdanya
Afterwards a walk through the streets of Malles will take place

Meeting point: Malles Town Hall, via Stazione, 19

Mayor Ulrich Veith

Festival « hier und da – Gut leben im ländlichen Raum »:
Armin Bernhard

Vom 11. bis zum 14. April 2019 wird in Mals und Umgebung das Festival für nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung hier und da – Gut leben im ländlichen Raum ’19 stattfinden:
Referate und Dialoge. Wanderungen und Begehungen. Kulinarik und Musik.

hier und da – Festival on facebook: da bei sein

Hier geht’s zur Anmeldung

Donnerstag. 11. April 2019 (Aula Magna Mals)

19.00 – 23.00 Uhr

Vandana Shiva im Gespräch

Kulinarik aus der Region von den Obervinschger Biobäuerinnen

Vollständiges Programm des Festivals