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Τροφή και Γεωργία Ελεύθερες από Δηλητήρια 2030

Μια Δέσμευση προς τη Γη – ΑΝΑΛΑΒΕ ΔΡΑΣΗ – ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ DR VANDANA SHIVA – Χρονοδιάγραμμα Εκδηλώσεων και Δράσεων – Παγκόσμιο Κίνημα για Τροφή και Καλλιέργειες Ελεύθερες από Δηλητήρια – Η καμπάνια για Τροφή και Καλλιέργειες χωρίς Δηλητήρια...

Call to Action 2018: Our Bread, Our Freedom

Call to Action 2018-2019: Join us from all over the world to reclaim our poison-free, gmo-free, local, agrobiodiverse and agroecological food heritage. Food systems are either sources of nourishment forging the foundations of human health and well-being or one...

European Citizens Initiative to #StopGlyphosate

Sign the European Citizens Initiative to #StopGlyphosate. The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is a people’s tool to ask the European Commission to make proposal for or to directly amend European laws. If at least one million signatures are collected...

Navdanya Call to Action 2016

People’s Assemblies for The Future of Our Food & The Future of Our Planet We face social, economic, and ecological collapse in every corner of our world. Big Industrial Agriculture is a major contributor to this collapse. While having...

Seed Freedom and Food Democracy

An Open letter to Prime Minister Modi and President Obama from democratic, concerned citizens of India and the US – We, as concerned and democratic citizens of India, and the US, welcome the coming together of two of the...

Navdanya & Seed Freedom Calls to Action

Call to Action 2023 CALL TO ACTION – “Our Bread, Our Freedom” 2022 Call to Action for Poison-free Food & Farming Call to Action 2018: Our Bread, Our Freedom Navdanya Call to Action against the Corporate Takeover of our...